The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 13



2's eLearning was an incredibly unique
experience as all 3 stakeholders in this
process (students/parents/teacher) were

learners at the same time in this adventure.
My students were learning how to stay on
task without the structure of our classroom
environment. They were learning new material
and synthesizing it with already learned
concepts while at home in their jammies. Their

the individualized needs of my students while
trying to keep the emotional connection
between us strong. The beauty of the
experience is we succeeded because of
teamwork. Each one of us in that triangle of
stakeholders could not be successful without
the dedication and support of the remaining
2 corners/parties. Combined with the latter,
and above all, was the unyielding belief that
God's loving presence was in the center of
our K2 triangle-equidistant from each of the

parents were learning how to wear multiple

stakeholder corners-to lift us above adversity

hats between their own professional jobs and

when needed. We needed lifting often! I have

the new role as a facilitator between home

such gratitude for the parents of K2. They met

and school instruction-in many cases for

the challenge of these days with perseverance

multiple children in multiple grades-not an

and grace. I am immensely proud of my

easy thing. I was learning how to navigate

students. They met their "new normal" with a

the numerous online tools to deliver content

smile on their face and joy in their heart. It was

in the most effective way in order to meet

an honor to be part of their triangle!


zoo, they were introduced to the animals by


rs. Jacobeen took advantage of one of
the many online learning opportunities
provided by famous places around the

world when she took her 2nd grade students
on a virtual field trip to the SanDiego Zoo.
Oh what fun they had! Students started
this special trip on an airplane learning all
about the safety features as they followed
the flight instructions. Upon arriving at the

their caretakers. Each caretaker provided
a short presentation about their special
animal. Students learned about flamingos,

Miss Borman and Mrs. Reale teaching
Spanish via Zoom.

toucans, lions, and meerkats just to name
a few. Between each presentation, they
played games related to their fun zoo trip to
help them learn even more. This special day
was a fun way for students to experience a
famous site that they might not have been
able to visit otherwise.

Mrs. Wehner's
new 'classroom'

Practicing flash cards

Ms. White teaching
Geography from home.

A Publication of St. Thomas Aquinas Regional School



The Crusader - Summer 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Crusader - Summer 2020

The Crusader - Summer 2020 - Cover1
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 2
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - Contents
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 4
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 5
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 6
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 7
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 8
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 9
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 10
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 11
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 12
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 13
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 14
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 15
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 16
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 17
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 18
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 19
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 20
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 21
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 22
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - 23
The Crusader - Summer 2020 - Cover4