Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 3

chair'smessage 2016 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chair Steve Allen, M.D. Nationwide Childrenʼs Hospital Vice Chair/Chair Elect Madeline Bell The Childrenʼs Hospital of Philadelphia Secretary Amy B. Mansue Childrenʼs Specialized Hospital Treasurer Rick Merrill Cook Children's Health Care System Board members Michael Aubin, FACHE Wolfson Children's Hospital Kurt Newman, M.D. Children's National Medical Center Peggy Troy, R.N., M.S.N. Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Kimberly Cripe Childrenʼs Hospital of Orange County Sandra L. Fenwick Boston Children's Hospital Susan Distefano, R.N., M.S.N. Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital Paul King C.S. Mott Children's Hospital and Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital Mark Wietecha Childrenʼs Hospital Association LEADERSHIP President and CEO Mark Wietecha Chief Operating Officer Amy Wimpey Knight Chief Financial Officer Nancy Stahl Chief Information Officer Richard Stepanek Vice President, Public Policy Jim Kaufman, Ph.D. MEMBER RELATIONS Vice President, Member Relations and Marketing Michelle Lunbeck Uncovering new solutions Hospitals are working together for the best outcomes. O ne of the benefits of an organization like CHA is that members have the opportunity to share information with each other, which fosters knowledge and evidence-based outcomes. Collaboration gives us the power to uncover new solutions and learn how to best care for the children we serve. These efforts are making an impact in areas like transforming care through a value-based environment, sepsis diagnosis and treatment, and patient safety and advocacy. Moving from fee-for-service to value-based care is a major component of transforming health care. Children's hospitals are working to move costs onto a sustainable path by incentivizing value over volume. For example, Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota provides insight into working in an ACO environment since 2013. The organization achieved shared savings and met most of the quality targets, which means it delivered greater value. For more, see page 6. Additionally, children's hospitals are working together through the Improving Pediatric Sepsis Outcomes collaborative to address the leading cause of death in hospitalized children. Nearly 30 children's hospitals are mobilizing to reduce severe onset sepsis and sepsis death by 75 percent across all care settings with the opportunity for more organizations to join in this work. Learn more on page 20. CHA, in partnership with Children's Hospitals' Solutions for Patient Safety, is another example of a collaborative effort with more than 100 children's hospitals focused on patient safety. These organizations share information and data regularly to create best practices. The hospitals set competition aside to share what works and strategies for reducing harm while kids are in the hospital. These examples of collaboration are just the beginning. Children's hospitals go beyond the clinical focus when continuing to advocate for children in an everchanging political environment. A voice for Medicaid, the nation's largest program for funding children's health care, has never been more critical. We continue to focus on the ACE Kids Act, building support for extending CHIP beyond 2017 and fully funding CHGME. There are challenges, of course. By finding ways to collaborate and share knowledge, we learn from each other. In turn, we find solutions to create the best outcomes for children everywhere. As always, I welcome your comments and feedback regarding how CHA can support your organization's challenges and priorities. Please contact me at STEVE ALLEN, M.D. CEO Nationwide Childrenʼs Hospital CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL S TODAY Summer 2016 3

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016

Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - Cover1
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - Cover2
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 -  Contents
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 2
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 3
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 4
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 5
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 6
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 7
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 8
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 9
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 10
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 11
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 12
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 13
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 14
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Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 16
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 17
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 18
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 19
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Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - 21
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Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - Cover3
Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2016 - Cover4