Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 26

season. We know when Crisis airs, so we have to drive toward
that. As a result, it gave us a season that broke very neatly
into three sections. The first is pre-Crisis building up to the
dread that's hanging over them."
That dread comes from a couple of places. Notably on
The Flash, there's been a promise from a future newspaper
headline that Barry Allan would disappear in 2024, but at
the end of last season something happened to the timeline
and the date shifted to 2019. Additionally, at the end of last
year's crossover, Elseworlds, Oliver Queen made some sort of
deal with the Monitor to save Supergirl and the Flash so that
they could, in turn, save the world. What price will he have to
pay? We're likely to find out.
"So where's the Monitor and what's going to happen
to Oliver?" Wallace asks rhetorically. "And then there's
Crisis itself that we'll be dealing with, which is its own
self-contained kind of miniseries. And what does the
post-Crisis Flash even
look like? We've been
waiting for five and
a half years with this
newspaper holographic
thing hanging over us
and now it reads 2019.
Once we get past that
it's a whole new game,
a new world. I'm a very
comic book geeky guy, so
let the comic book geeky games begin starting post-Crisis.
On The Flash, you're going to see in season 6 a little bit more
of a comic book feel, while also deepening the character
Although the character of Batwoman (played by Ruby
Rose) was introduced on last year's crossover, Elseworlds,
her own show is only getting underway this fall. For
executive producer Caroline Dries, Crisis presents some
interesting challenges, largely because, like Arrow, especially
early on, this is intended to be a down and dirty, gritty series.
"What was really important to me as we were breaking
the crossover is that I wanted to really keep the tone of our
show in Gotham and very grounded," she explains. "We are
just starting out, and for our characters it's not normal for
them to interact with aliens and travel to different universes
and stuff like that. So that is the first thing I brought up to
the writers." Over at, she elaborates,
"Kate obviously has already met Kara, so the cat's out of
the bag in terms of the aliens existing. But at the same time,
our characters are going through such intimate personal
drama that I'm going to try to keep it so that they're not also
dealing with, like, 'Wait, the universe is ending? Wait, there
are other forms of people in different universes?' All this
stuff that I, as Caroline, was learning about when I sat down
to be briefed on Crisis on Infinite Earths. It's just a fine line of
not overwhelming them with this huge otherworldly scope."
Ruby Rose, who plays the dual role of Batwoman and
Kate Kane, felt overwhelmed last year when she interacted
with Melissa Benoist's Supergirl in the crossover. "I think it

■ LaMonica
Garrett as the
Monitor prepares
to face his greatest
foe: the AntiMonitor.





As far as Cress Williams is concerned, his Black Lightning alter ego of Jefferson Pierce
is going to be going through some changes in the show's third season, and not
necessarily all good. "I think he's going to go to some darker places," the actor muses,
"and maybe even some angrier places. We started season 1 where he was his most
hopeful. He wasn't having to use his powers, his school [where he serves as principal]
was thriving. His daughters were thriving. Then we kind of went into a reality check
and I think we're in that dark place now, and maybe we can pull back up to become
more hopeful again."


Geek - Issue 8 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Geek - Issue 8 2019

Geek - Issue 8 2019 - Cover1
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - Cover2
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 3
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 4
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 5
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - Contents
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 7
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 8
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 9
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 10
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 11
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 12
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 13
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 14
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 15
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 16
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 17
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 18
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 19
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 20
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 21
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 22
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 23
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 24
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 25
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 26
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - 27
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Geek - Issue 8 2019 - Cover3
Geek - Issue 8 2019 - Cover4