SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 8

Management Program
AVL Technology Leadership Center Topics •	 Energy	Smart:		Connected	Vehicles	 and New Opportunities •	 2018	and	Beyond	Powertrains •	 How	the	Connected	Vehicle	 is changing the Safety Paradigm •	 Mobility	Smart:	Efficient	and	Convenient	 City Transportation by Connected Services and Information •	 Zero	Emissions	Challenges	in	Infrastructure:		 How Industries/Sectors get Connected to	Avoid	Pitfalls	to	Zero	Emission	Mobility FEV Powertrain Innovation Forum Topics •	 Heir	Apparent	or	a	Bunch	of	Hot	Air?		 What	Technologies	Have	the	Best	Potential	 for	Weaning	America	off	Foreign	Sources	 of	Petroleum? •	 What	is	the	Cost	of	Green	When	 Comparing the Well-to-Wheels Costs and the Environmental Impacts of Competing Technologies? •	 Is	there	really	“No	Replacement	for	 Displacement?”	Getting Connected to the Science of Developing Downsized, High Specific Power Engines •	 Connecting	27.5,	35.5,	and	62.	What	are	the	 Implications	of	Finding	a	Roadmap	that	Meets	 the	New	CAFE	Limits? •	 The	Connection	between	Fuel	Economy	and	 Emissions: Do we have the best balance to Serve	America’s	Interest?

Event information as of April 3, 2012 — all items mentioned are subject to change.



SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program

SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program
Top 4 Reasons to Attend
GetConnected to SAE 2012 World Congress
World Congress Keynotes
Management Program
Integrated Design & Manufacturing
Innovators Only Exhibition
Ride and Drive
Peer-to-Peer Networking
Annual Banquet
CONNECT with the Author
Other Activities and Areas of Interest
Event Tours
Professional Development at Congess
Registration and Hotel Information
Connect to SAE International
Exhibitor Booth Information
Event Sponsors
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Cover2
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - i
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - ii
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Welcome
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - About
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 3
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Top 4 Reasons to Attend
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 5
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - GetConnected to SAE 2012 World Congress
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 7
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 8
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 9
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Event-at-a-Glance
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 11
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - World Congress Keynotes
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 13
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Management Program
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 15
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 16
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 17
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 18
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 19
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 20
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 21
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 22
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 23
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Electronics
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 25
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Environment/Emissions/Sustainability
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 27
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Management/Marketplace
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 29
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Integrated Design & Manufacturing
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 31
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Materials
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 33
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Propulsion/Powertrain
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 35
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Safety/Testing
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 37
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Innovators Only Exhibition
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 39
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Ride and Drive
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 41
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Peer-to-Peer Networking
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 43
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - QuickCONNECT
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 45
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Annual Banquet
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 47
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - CONNECT with the Author
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 49
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Other Activities and Areas of Interest
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 51
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 52
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 53
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Event Tours
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Professional Development at Congess
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Registration and Hotel Information
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 57
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Connect to SAE International
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 59
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 60
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 61
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Exhibitor Booth Information
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SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 81
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - 82
SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Event Sponsors
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SAE 2012 World Congress Preliminary Program - Cover4