Hawaii Hospitality - January/February 2013 - (Page 3)

6 4 CONTENTS JAN/FEB 2013 – Volume 28 – No. 1 4 Making of a Host Chutes, Ducts and Traps 12 16 6 10 Outstanding Security Professional 11 Clean Talk with Rose 10 12 Talk Story with George Szigeti 13 News Briefs 15 Associations 16 New Restaurants ON THE COVER 13 Serving the Hawaii Lodging & Tourism Association, Hawaii Restaurant Association and the allied industries in the Islands EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Aimee Harris, aimee@tradepublishing.com EDITOR: David Putnam, david@tradepublishing.com ASSISTANT EDITOR: Lee Schaller, lee@tradepublishing.com ART DIRECTOR: Susan Whitney GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Ursula A. Silva PRODUCTION MANAGER: Blanche Pestana PRINT SHOP: Abe Popa, Bill Yiu Lin, Stan Mahoe, Michael Castelli ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES: Charlene Gray, charlene@tradepublishing.com Jennifer Dorman, jennifer@tradepublishing.com Barry Redmayne, barry@tradepublishing.com Lita Fernando, litag@tradepublishing.com Published and printed in Kalihi by: Allison Hamilton, hostess at Duke’s Waikiki Photo by Aimee Harris Design by Ursula Silva CHECKING Inn 287 Mokauea St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 Tel: (808) 848-0711 • Fax: (808) 841-3053 www.tradepublishing.com © 2013. No reproduction without permission. Statements of fact and opinion made in stories, columns or letters submitted by freelance writers and other contributors are the responsibility of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Trade Publishing Co. ometimes we forget to thank those who do nitty-gritty jobs like pumping out grease traps and scrubbing out duct systems and garbage chutes. They help keep our air cleaner and healthier, and smelling better, too. In gathering information for our story on this topic, I was reminded how much we all owe those men and women who perform these jobs. Mostly, restaurants and hotels outsource this work, and it’s opened doors to new industries. Pacific Biodiesel, for example, turns FOG (fats, oils and grease) into a renewable energy source. It’s become one of the top success stories in the emerging “green” business world. Also, in Rose Galera’s column, “Clean Talk with Rose,” she delves into the need for better infection control and training by hotel housekeeping services. So be forewarned: Stories in this issue may influence you to go out and clean everything. In another “behind the scenes” feature in this issue, Hawaii Hospitality focuses on hotel security and got the low-down on what it takes to be the best in the business. Security officers are trained in many areas besides knowing how to handle an unruly situation. They also are certified in emergency procedures, like performing CPR and using an AED (automated external defibrillator) if a guest suffers a cardiac arrhythmia. One of the security officers we interviewed recently assisted a guest who had a heart attack in an elevator. So, the next time you walk through the lobby and spot a security officer, give him or her a friendly nod and a smile—a small way of saying “thanks.” And if you have ideas for other stories you’d like to read in Hawaii Hospitality, let me know at david@tradepublishing.com. Aloha! S ASSOCIATIONS David Putnam www.hawaiihospitalityonline.com 3 http://www.tradepublishing.com http://www.hawaiihospitalityonline.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Hawaii Hospitality - January/February 2013

Contents - Checking INN
Making of a Host
Chutes, Ducts and Traps
Outstanding Security Professional
Clean Talk with Rose
Talk Story with George Szigeti
News Briefs
New Restaurants

Hawaii Hospitality - January/February 2013
