ALA 2010 Annual Conference Preliminary - (Page 11)

AnnuAL ConferenCe & eXhibition 2010 preLiminAry progrAm thE 2010 ALA ANNuAL CONfERENCE ExhIbItION WELCOME tO thE StACKS! The Stacks will be located in the Washington Convention Center, Halls A, B and C The official opening ceremony and ribbon cutting will be held Friday, June 25, 5:15 p.m. the stAcks hours: Friday, June 25: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Saturday, June 26 - Sunday, June 27: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday, June 28: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. No luggage carts are allowed on the exhibit floor at any time during the Exhibition. If you need a cart for a medical reason, you must get a waiver at Registration. Strollers are permitted only if there is a child in them at all times. Unescorted children are not permitted on the exhibit floor. Please see the General Information section for the full Children’s Policy. Exhibits Only Badges are available for $25 by completing the registration form. This badge will allow you access to all four days of the exhibits. No refunds for exhibit badges. meet the Authors/iLLustrAtors Your opportunity to meet and get autographs from favorite adult and children’s authors and illustrators. Check the Final Exhibit Guide and the onsite newspaper for details on author signings. poster sessions Poster sessions give librarians the opportunity to make peer-to-peer presentations on research, innovative programs and problem-solving ideas. Visit and click on “General Information” for more details. exhibits cLosing reception Monday, June 28, 2010 Beginning at 12:00 p.m. The Closing Reception will be held throughout the Exhibits Hall. There will be special sales, and exhibitors will be offering special giveaways in their booths and, like last year, great prizes from the exhibitors and ALA will be raffled off throughout the reception. This is a great way to wrap up your conference experience in Washington, D.C., so be sure to join us!

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ALA 2010 Annual Conference Preliminary

ALA 2010 Annual Conference Preliminary
Table of Contents
ALA President's Program
Auditorium Speaker Series
Opening General Session and Closing Session
Special Events
Book Cart Drill Team World Championship
Exhibit Information
Division Presidents' Programs
Council and Membership Meeting Schedule
First Time Attendee Information
General Information
Travel Information
Registration and Housing Information
Hotel Information
Pre-conferences and Special Events
Tour Information and Registration
Camp ALA
ALA Acronyms
Program Tracks and Descriptions

ALA 2010 Annual Conference Preliminary