Vim & Vigor - Spring 2014 - Gwinnett Medical Center - (Page 49)

PrimeTime HealtH Love Your Heart Get started today-no matter your age!- by making these four changes T here are plenty of opportunities in life to be "too late"-paying your mortgage, going to Woodstock, being the first to land on the moon. Fortunately, getting heart healthy isn't one of them. Making smart choices, even later in life, can have big benefits for your heart. Start with these four lifestyle changes. Be more physically active. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity on most days of the week, or every day if possible. (It doesn't have to be done all at once. Ten-minute periods will do.) Start by doing activities you enjoy-brisk walking, dancing, bowling, bicycling or gardening, perhaps. You might want to join an exercise group or a gym. PrimeTime Health offers exercise classes you might enjoy. If you smoke, quit. Smoking adds to the damage to artery walls. It's never too late to get some benefit from quitting smoking. To register for a free smoking cessation class, call 678-312-5000 or visit gwinnettmedical Follow a heart healthy diet. Choose low-fat and lowsalt foods. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and highfiber foods such as those made from whole grains. And if you drink alcohol, you should not have more than one (for women) or two (for men) drinks a day. Keep a healthy weight. Your health care provider will probably check your weight and height to calculate your body mass index (BMI). A BMI of 25 or higher means you are at greater risk for heart disease as well as other conditions. Following a healthy eating plan and being physically active might help you maintain your optimal weight. 1 2 3 pHoTo By THInksTock CALL 4 FREE Membership Program for Older Adults If you are age 50 or older, call 678-312-5000 and enroll in PrimeTime Health today. Important Questions to Ask Your Doctor Whether you know you are at risk for heart disease or think you might be, here are some of the most important questions to ask your family doctor. * What is my risk for heart disease? * What is my blood pressure? * What are my cholesterol numbers? (These include total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides.) * What is my body mass index (BMI) and waist measurement? Do they mean that I need to lose weight for my health? * What is my blood sugar level, and does it mean that I'm at risk for diabetes? * What other screening tests do I need to help protect my heart? * What can you do to help me quit smoking? * How much physical activity do I need to help protect my heart? * What's a heart healthy eating plan for me? * How can I tell if I'm having a heart attack? If I think I'm having one, what should I do? SPRI NG 2014 49

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Spring 2014 - Gwinnett Medical Center

Vim & Vigor - Spring 2014 - Gwinnett Medical Center
Phil’s Feature
Staying Ahead of Concussions
The Recovery Zone
Occupational Hazards
The New Rules of Play
Shopping for Two
Back to Basics
Burn, Baby, Burn
Angelina Jolie
Rock Your Health
Breaking Up with Salt
Disgusting! (or Not?)
Virtual Health
PrimeTime Health
Ready, Set, Run!
You Can Change the World
Out of the White Coat
Transforming Healthcare

Vim & Vigor - Spring 2014 - Gwinnett Medical Center