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stationary signals by using some classical fault detection techniques. However, it still remains challenging to extract robust
representative features from nonstationary vibration signals
generated from those defects on rotating bearing components (e.g., the rotating ring and rolling elements) or caused
by variations in bearing dynamics (e.g., different bearings and
support structures) and in operating conditions (e.g., loads
and speeds).
This paper has discussed bearing characteristic frequency calculation and analysis. It has summarized the
considerations in using frequency analysis for bearing fault
detection. In general, signal denoising is necessary to improve the SNR before advanced analysis. However, the
denoising operation should not be over processed in terms
of kurtosis values, which may not guarantee to highlight
fault-related features. The energy kurtosis demodulation
technique has been used as an example to illustrate the approaches for nonstationary signal processing. Some test
results have been used to illustrate how to use signal processing techniques for bearing fault detection.
In the future research and development, new signal processing theories are needed for bearing fault detection under
variable bearing dynamics and time-varying load and speed
conditions. Intelligent classifiers are needed to integrate the
merits of numerous fault detection techniques, historical
data, and expert knowledge for bearing fault detection. The
diagnostic accuracy can be improved by using appropriate
machine learning and deep learning algorithms, to improve
the robustness of the diagnostic system to accommodate variations in bearing system dynamics and operation

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May 2021	

Wilson Wang ( joined Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada in 2004, and now he is a Professor in
the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He received his
Ph.D. degree in mechatronics engineering from the University
of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada in 2002. From 2002 to 2004, he was
employed as a Senior Scientist at Mechworks Systems Inc. His research interests include signal processing, artificial intelligence,
machine learning, diagnostics and prognostics of engineering
systems, smart sensors, intelligent control, and mechatronics.

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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 24-3

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