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THURSDAY, JAN. 5 | 9:30am-4:00pm | Aurora Hall, Expo Stage
Alliance for Potato Research and
Education: Leading with Science to
Transform Potato Perceptions
The Association for Potato Research
and Education (APRE) has 17 studies in
the research pipeline aimed at advancing
the scientific understanding of the role
potatoes play in promoting health. Studies
are being conducted in one of three areas:
cardiometabolic health, healthy dietary
patterns, and healthy lifestyles. The findings
from these studies will be used to create
scientifically substantiated messages that will
help healthcare professionals and foodservice
operators understand the nutritional power
potatoes bring to their clients and customers.
* Howard Goldstein, MS, RD, Manager,
Association for Potato Research &
Spore Trapping in Agricultural
Trapping of aerial particulates has been
used in a variety of areas of interest, perhaps
most notably in pollen allergen assessments
and indoor air quality investigations. In the last
decade or so, the technology has increasingly
been seen in crop fields as a way to assess
disease severity, to monitor the arrival of
phytopathogen spores from neighboring fields
or to detect early stages of an infection. Spore
trapping, by assessing the presence/absence
and quantity of pathogen spores in the air, can
provide valuable information enabling growers
and agronomists to target the suitable
strategy regarding fungicide use.
This presentation will provide an overview
of the evolution of spore trapping in various
settings and offer reflections on the scope of use
and limitations as well as interpretation cues for
2023 Potato Expo Digital Guide
analysis reports, while also assessing the impact
of spore trapping on sustainable agriculture
and on different commercial markets.
* Daniel Mondor, Development and
Strategy Director, AIR Program
Live Podcast Recording: View from
the Top - National Potato Council
Presidents Interview
Join the National Potato Council's current,
incoming, and immediate past presidents
during a live podcast recording as they
give their views on the potato industry, the
importance of grower leadership, and having
strong associations at the state and national
level. Jared Balcom, NPC 2022 President, RJ
Andrus, incoming NPC 2023 President, and
Dominic LaJoie, NPC 2021 President, will join
Lane Nordlund on the Expo Stage for a live
Host: Lane Nordlund, host of The Eye on
Potatoes Podcast
* Jared Balcom, President, Balcom & Moe,
Pasco, WA
* Dominic LaJoie, President & Owner,
LaJoie Growers LLC, Van Buren, ME
* RJ Andrus, TBR Farms, Idaho Falls, ID
Post-Harvest Store Regimen in
Europe - A View from Inside the New
After the CIPC registration expired in Europe
in 2019/2020, potato storage management
continues on page 38 ยป

Potato Expo Digital Guide 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Potato Expo Digital Guide 2023

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