Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 37

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Member Spotlight

News & Announcements

Where is your practice and why did you
settle here?
I practice at Penn State Health Medical Group - Cornerstone in
Lititz. I recently celebrated my 17th work anniversary on the first
of August. My wife and I grew up in Frederick, Maryland, and she
vacationed in Lancaster County as a child. When we realized that God
had opened an opportunity here to practice, it was like a dream come
true. Idyllic and vibrant, the area is a perfect fit.

What do you like best about
practicing medicine? 
I very much appreciate hearing other people's stories. Those stories
give me a window into what motivates my patients. Through their
telling, people communicate their hopes and fears and provide
important information to advance their health. These relationships
that we establish afford ideal platforms to explore healing and
growth, inside and out.

Are you involved in any community groups,
nonprofits, or professional organizations?
My family and I have the privilege of being involved in leadership
at our wonderful church home, Harvest Bible Church. I've also been
a member of the board of directors of Lititz Christian School, which
our children attend, for seven years and have served as the chairman
for two years. Our practice graciously affords us the opportunity
to volunteer at the Water Street Rescue Mission Health Clinic on a
monthly basis.

Jeffrey Gerard, MD

What are your hobbies and interests when
you're not working?

Penn State Health Medical
Group - Cornerstone

Much of my time is spent pursuing relationships with my wife, four
children, and friends and family. I very much enjoy baking and eating,
and sometimes taking a run. I'm having the best fun outside when
I'm throwing frisbee. When time allows, we love to travel to old and
new places.

Why are you a member of the Lancaster City &
County Medical Society, and what do you value
most about your membership?
I am currently a member to support the efforts for physician and
patient advocacy locally. Preserving our ability to practice in the best
interests of our patients, hopefully free from financial pressure and
time constraints, is a valuable pursuit.





Lancaster Physician Fall 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Lancaster Physician Fall 2020

Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 1
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 2
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 3
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 4
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 5
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 6
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 7
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 8
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 9
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 10
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 11
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 12
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 13
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 14
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 15
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 16
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 17
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 18
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 19
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 20
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 21
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 22
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 23
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 24
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 25
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 26
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 27
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Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 30
Lancaster Physician Fall 2020 - 31
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