Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 15

We look forward to her interactive talk on attracting, engaging
and retaining talent in post-pandemic times. Something tells me
it could be a bit of a session in therapy for some of our membership
dealing with these issues (or missing out periodically on holiday
days or weekends).
Manufacturing, like many other industries, has been impacted
by COVID-19 and supply chains in various ways. In CME's
recent Management Issues Survey, 80 per cent of Canadian
manufacturers said they are facing an immediate labour and
skills shortage, which has been amplified by the pandemic.
Through this talk, attendees will be provided with best practices
and strategies to effectively address the challenges of attracting,
engaging, and retaining talent throughout the employee lifecycle
in the manufacturing sector.
North American Finishing Industry Policy &
Regulatory Update
To sum it all up, we always look to save a segment for our colleague
from the U.S., Christian Richter, president at The Policy Group
in Washington, D.C. and director at the NASF, to update our
Canadian contingent on the industry in the U.S.
If this year's Sur/Fin conference in Chicago was an indication
of industry priorities then we can be prepared to get re-acquainted
with the need to plan for transitioning away from hexavalent
chromium, on a case-by-case basis. The automotive industry
mostly won't wait for some applications of electroplating if the
time comes for the Environmental Protection Agency to set a
sunset date for hex chrome in, say, decorative applications. The
information gap is there in terms of where hexavalent chromium
finishing is critical to unseen areas of the economy.
Not to mention the economic impact finishing has across the
U.S. for all sectors of the economy, requiring an industry-byindustry
approach to setting regulatory goals to mitigate risks to
human health and our surroundings. Richter is up to this task, a
role requiring technical familiarity of electroplating and those
of an interpreter between industry and environmental agencies
tasked with setting necessary and practical boundaries between
industry and society.
The discussions will surely flow after our talks scheduled
for this year's conference. We haven't yet touched on the roles
anodizing and powder coating will play and they have already
proved to be both competing and complimentary finishes to
electroplating. Finishing for the EV market is still new for many
of us in finishing shops.
We look forward to the work ahead in preparing this
conference and welcome the opportunity to engage with all of
our colleagues, finishers and those providing expertise in the
chemistry, equipment and environmental services side of the
Industrial Turn-key
Paint Finishing Systems
* Material Handling Innovations
* Turn-Key Finishing Systems
* Heat Processing Solutions
* Water and Wastewater Treatment Equipment
September/October 2022

Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue

Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 1
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 2
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 3
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 4
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 5
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 6
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 7
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 8
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 9
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 10
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 11
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 12
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 13
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 14
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 15
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 16
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 17
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 18
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 19
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 20
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 21
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing September/October Issue - 22
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