The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 32

"When I took on my current role, it freed up Royle
to focus on BrokerTeam Group, the umbrella
organization that includes BrokerTeam and
affiliated brokerages," (9 and counting).
"The success we've achieved over the past 13 years
is because we've always embraced change," Royle
quotes in a press release announcing William's
appointment. "So I'm delighted to pass the torch
and look forward to the fresh perspective William
Since taking over as President, William's focused
on restructuring the organization and recruiting
new talent as the brokerage continues to grow.
"Recruiting isn't easy. It's a cliché, but a lot of it is
luck. Some of it is brand awareness-something
we're working on all the time. We're involved with
the IBAO. We're attending events. We have a good
reputation that attracts interest and talent. But
when we hire, we don't always know if it's the right
decision. We often ask staff to refer people,
especially for junior roles. Referral clients are the
best clients-same thing with hiring.
"Part of the issue finding new talent is a
misunderstanding of sales. People typically don't
like selling. Maybe it's the misconception that it's
sleazy, but it's not about pushing people to buy
what they don't need. First and foremost, it's about
helping people. Making sure their assets have the
proper protection. I don't know how you wouldn't
find that rewarding... being a problem solver.
Making friends. Those are the best moments.
"If somehow, as a channel, we could package
the broker experience. On the Commercial
side, it's seeing and learning about someone's
business. Sitting down with them, getting to know
them, getting to know their operation. They're
so proud-explaining where they acquired
machinery, who their customers are. A half hour
appointment turns into two hours, but it's so
enjoyable. You ask questions you're genuinely
interested in knowing the answers to. Packaging
that experience to promote brokers' careers could
be successful. But I have a feeling it's something



people need to discover themselves."
Outside recruitment, William's focused on
mentorship and the next generation of talent.
Working for a brokerage that clearly believes in
modernization and change, he understands the
importance of engaging young people inside and
outside the channel.
"Empowering the next generation starts by
involving them in business operations. That
happens when Management takes a step back
and allows greater influence. Young brokers need
a voice. And they need to be mentored. I'm very
lucky to have had such incredible mentorship
that continues today. People in senior positions
need to be mindful to spend the time. Be that
solid influence when young brokers are first
starting out. If you're not involved in that critical
stage when they're a blank canvas, with so
much potential, they won't take cues from you.
Mentoring is so key. Schedule it in advance so you
don't skip out."
William's incorporated a lot of new initiatives and
engagement activities at BrokerTeam. "Equally
important! A healthy work environment makes
staff feel good about coming to work. I've had jobs
in the past where I didn't want to go into the office.
I'd take extra-long getting to work and was quick
to get out. Funny, I've never had those moments in
They recently launched BT TV-rolling content
aired in their staff room that promotes employee
interests and activities. William will also be a
speaker at BrokerTeam University this September
with staff, carriers and various Affiliates all taking
part. The underlying theme is how to be a trusted
advisor in a digital age.
"Specifically, we want to share knowledge and ideas
and bring people together so we can all do a better
job helping consumers. Generally, we just want to
work with great people, and initiatives like this are
a step in the right direction."
Round of applause for our Young Broker of the



The Ontario Broker - August 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Ontario Broker - August 2019

In This Issue
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - Cover1
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - Cover2
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 3
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - In This Issue
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 5
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 6
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 7
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 8
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 9
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 10
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 11
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 12
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 13
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 14
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 15
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 16
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 17
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 18
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 19
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 20
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 21
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 22
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 23
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 24
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 25
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 26
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 27
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 28
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 29
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 30
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 31
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 32
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 33
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 34
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 35
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 36
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 37
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 38
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 39
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 40
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 41
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 42
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 43
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 44
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 45
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 46
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 47
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 48
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 49
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 50
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 51
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 52
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 53
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - 54
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - Cover3
The Ontario Broker - August 2019 - Cover4