Outdoor Outdoor LEARN IT. LIVE IT. LOVE IT. Winter/2017 Veteran Presence How former Navy officer Kevin Rosenberg grew his business from street vending into a brand-new $3-million shop on Park Slope GEAR TO GO OUTFITTERS / #VANLIFE / SKI MOUNTAINEERING SKIMO, BRO! CAN UTAH'S UPHILL-SKIING GEEKS SAVE THE SPORT? POKEMON AUGMENTED REALITY IS CHANGING THE WAY YOUR CUSTOMERS SHOP " I wanted Gear to Go to be reminiscent of a cabin. I wanted people to step inside and forget they were in the city. " PORT SPECIAL RE # Va n l i f e ! LIFE ON THE ROAD IS THE N4EW NORMAL p.4 Winter/2017 PAYING TRIBUTE Trethewey shares a moment with her father (middle) and husband (left) C1_ORM_1116_cover.indd 1 10/25/16 7:21 PM