Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - 11

2014 Mobility eNgiNeeriNg ProfeSSioNal Salary Study
aNd oNliNe iNteractive Salary calculator releaSed
SAE International released its biennial
engineering salary study and online
interactive salary calculator this past
June. The 2014 Mobility Engineering
Professional Salary Study is the only one
of its kind to explore levels and changes
in compensation and employment for
engineers and technical employees in the
automotive, aerospace, and commercial
vehicle industries. It benchmarks
compensation levels based by geography,
education, industry sector, experience,
and managerial and budgetary
The average base salary and total
compensation for engineers in the United
States increased nearly 11% to $114,900,
up from $95,700 in 2012. Worldwide,
salaries for engineering and related
technical positions in mobility industries
saw an 8% increase, going from $91,800
in 2012 to $99,300.
Nearly three quarters of full-time, U.S.
employees received an increase in their
January 1, 2014, base salary compared
with the previous year. 21% indicated no

change, and only 1% experienced a salary
This third biennial SAE International
Mobility Engineering Professional Salary
Study is based on an email survey issued
to 54,615 mobility engineers and related
technical employees around the world.
Both members and non-members
of SAE International were asked a
series of 30 questions related to their
respective industry, company, educational
background, job responsibilities,
compensation, retirement, ethnicity,
and more. A total of 5,651 individuals
responded, resulting in an optimal margin
of error of +/- 1.7% with a 95% confidence
The full 2014 SAE International Mobility
Engineering Professional Salary and
online interactive salary calculator are
available to current SAE International
members for free as a member benefit at
Non-members may purchase the study
for $249 at
salserv2014 .

Not-to-be-MiSSed uPcoMiNg
Sae aeroSPace techNical
SAE organizes a variety of design,
manufacturing, and systems
technology events for the aerospace
community. As the world's leader in
mobility engineering knowledge, the
resources delivered at these events
are unmatched. View the technical
programs of these and other SAE
events at
SAE 2014 Aerospace Manufacturing
and Automated Fastening Conference
& Exhibition
September 23-25, 2014
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
SAE 2014 Aerospace Systems and
Technology Conference
September 23-25, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
SAE 2014 Augmented and Virtual
Reality (AR/VR) Technologies
November 18-19, 2014
Dearborn/Detroit, Michigan, USA

corporate sponsorshIp of sae standards
technIcaL coMMIttee MeetIngs

builD your compaNy's braND - target very specific techNology
Niches - support staNDarDs DevelopmeNt
SAE is the world's largest aerospace standards development organization. Its consensus based program is the
forum through which the global industry collaborates on and sets expectations for vehicle reliability, quality,
safety, efficiency, and compliance.
Thousands of engineers from companies throughout the supply chain and around the world serve on some 350
SAE technical committees developing, revising, and keeping current more than 8,500 technical standards-
standards that address the full spectrum of aerospace business from design, integrate, build and operate to such
critical issues ranging from fuel to weather.
Whether your organization is involved in SAE standards activities or not, you can put your company's name
directly in front of those that create industry's standards-while they are creating
them-by purchasing one of many sponsorship opportunities now offered around
SAE Aerospace Standards Technical Committee Meetings.

for sponsorship levels and opportunities available contact:
SAE Sales +1.724.772.4078 or Aerospace Standards +1.724.772.7161
On the web, go to and "Technical Committee
Meeting Schedule"
SAE International Ground Vehicle Standards Newsletter - August 2014


Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014

Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014
Table of Contents
New Manufacturing Management Standard, Requested by DoD, to be Published by G-23 Committee
Aerospace Engine Supplier Quality Committee Publishes First Standard
First SAE International Aerospace Standards Summit to be Held in July 2015
SAE International Completes Asset Purchase of ARINC Industry Activities
SAE Becomes First Foreign Enterprise Member of SFEO3
Substance Declaration Standard to be Revised
AS-3 Committee Issuing, Developing Fiber Optics and Photonics Standards
SAE Hosts Reception at Farnborough Air Show
Spring Aerospace Council Meeting Held at FAA Headquarters
Record Attendance at 2014 Aerospace Committee Leadership Workshop in Warrendale
New Auditor Authentication and Training Program Announced
New Committees, New Chairs
Aerospace Standards Committee Members Receive Awards
Volunteer recognition: document sponsors
SAE Aerospace Standards Corporate Contribution Program
Plan now for upcoming Aerospace Technical Committee Meetings
2014 Mobility Engineering Professional Salary Study and Online Interactive Salary Calculator Released
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - New Manufacturing Management Standard, Requested by DoD, to be Published by G-23 Committee
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - Aerospace Engine Supplier Quality Committee Publishes First Standard
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - SAE International Completes Asset Purchase of ARINC Industry Activities
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - AS-3 Committee Issuing, Developing Fiber Optics and Photonics Standards
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - Spring Aerospace Council Meeting Held at FAA Headquarters
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - New Auditor Authentication and Training Program Announced
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - Aerospace Standards Committee Members Receive Awards
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - Volunteer recognition: document sponsors
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - 7
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - SAE Aerospace Standards Corporate Contribution Program
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - Plan now for upcoming Aerospace Technical Committee Meetings
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - 10
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - 2014 Mobility Engineering Professional Salary Study and Online Interactive Salary Calculator Released
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - 12
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - 13
Aerospace Standards Newsletter - August 2014 - Cover4