Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 20

Feature Working with our Brazilian channel partner for the electrical distribution equipment, we set up deadlines for all the other GE global resources involved in this major project and held regular meetings to help ensure everything would be delivered on time. GE is familiar with working on big projects like large data centers or multi-level commercial headquarters, but can you describe any issues or challenges you came across when providing power distribution and protection for the Olympic Games? Marcelo: In the bid phase of the IBC project, the main operational challenge was directing people and time resources to deliver such a major proposal in a very tight timeframe while also managing a large number of revisions. The primary technical challenges were defining each product and component, from the smallest to the largest, and clarifying the open items that always occur in this kind of project. Thiago: Another challenge for the IBC project was managing all the customer change requests during the engineering phase while at the same time working to keep the delivery dates as close as possible to the original schedule. The Olympic Games project is unique in the sense that the start date will not change, no matter what. There are no schedule slips here. The Olympic Games must go on as scheduled. Elson: Compared with even our largest data center customers, the Olympic Games IBC has even higher requirements. It's vital to help ensure the delivery of electrical power to the 70+ broadcasters covering the history-making events for millions of people around the world. As the IBC was nearing completion, we responded to changes by accelerating our schedule and working closely with the IOC and contractors to deliver all system requirements. Are there any personal stories about working on the Olympic Games you'd like to share, or points of interest or pride you can share? Were you at the Olympic Games or did you view from home? Thiago: Well, I love sports. I'm a runner and often participate in running events, so I was very excited to have this opportunity to work directly on the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. When I run, I'm always trying to improve my performance and do my best, I think that's the core of the Olympic Movement. I was at one event, a soccer game in São Paulo where I live. It was still very rewarding to watch the rest of the Olympic Games at home, though, since my primary work for the Olympic Games was for the IBC. Marcelo: This was a very exiting experience for me because I love sports and I've watched the Olympic Games since I was a child. I watched the Olympic Games closely from my home and took pride in the fact that the broadcast was able to reach millions of people around the world because of the work we did. For more information please visit www.geindustrial.com. Follow us on Twitter @EPMagazine1 20 Fall 2016 * www.ElectronicsProtectionMagazine.com http://www.geindustrial.com http://www.ElectronicsProtectionMagazine.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Electronics Protection - Fall 2016

Electronics Protection - Fall 2016
Editor's Choice
Choosing the Right Power Solutions to Protect IT Infrastructure
Prefabricated or ISO Container – Which way for Ultimate Data Center Flexibility?
Why Predictive Maintenance is the Proper Maintenance for UPSs
Three Insights into the Future of Medical Device R&D
Building the Power Architecture for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games
Industry News
Calendar of Events
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Electronics Protection - Fall 2016
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 2
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Contents
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Editor's Choice
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 5
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Choosing the Right Power Solutions to Protect IT Infrastructure
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 7
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 8
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 9
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 10
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 11
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Prefabricated or ISO Container – Which way for Ultimate Data Center Flexibility?
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 13
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Why Predictive Maintenance is the Proper Maintenance for UPSs
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 15
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Three Insights into the Future of Medical Device R&D
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 17
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Building the Power Architecture for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 19
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 20
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 21
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Enclosures
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 23
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Thermal
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 25
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Power
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 27
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Hardware
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - 29
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Industry News
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Calendar of Events
Electronics Protection - Fall 2016 - Cover4