Summer 2010 - The Green Issue - 5

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Director of Nursing Appointed to Lead B.S.N. Completion Program
Dana Davenport ’11, president of Hood’s student government association; Maryland Del. Sue Hecht ’85; Lt. Gov. Brown and President Ronald J. Volpe

Maryland Lt. Gov. Brown Delivers $2 Million Check
The Hood community welcomed Maryland Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown to campus Thursday, April 15 to accept a ceremonial $2 million check for the renovation of the College’s heating system. The project, considered a “green” project that will significantly lower the College’s energy consumption, will include replacement of the aging boiler plant and underground steam distribution system currently serving the College. The system, parts of which date back to 1927, provides service to most of the campus, including academic and residential facilities. The project will include the addition of new boilers and steam lines to serve the academic core of campus and install independent boilers in buildings on the campus’ perimeter. “The entire Hood College Community is grateful to Gov. O’Malley, Lt. Gov. Brown and the state legislature for approving funding for this critically needed project,” said President Volpe. When completed, it will reduce operating costs, improve reliability and minimize the College’s carbon footprint, and allow us to be able to redirect energy cost savings to other College programs for our students,” Read more about the College’s “green” initiatives on Pages 15-18.

Elizabeth Gilbert Welcomed to Campus by Hood, Frederick Communities
One of the nation’s best-selling authors visited campus in April to talk with students about her work and to give a lecture as part of this year’s Frederick Reads event. Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the 2006 blockbuster memoir, “Eat, Pray, Love,” met with students in Associate Professor of English Amy Gottfried’s creative writing class. Later that day she spoke to a packed audience in Hodson Auditorium in Rosenstock Hall and attended a reception in her honor in the Whitaker Campus Center. “Eat, Pray, Love” chronicles Gilbert’s discoveries while traveling around the world following her divorce. A movie based on the book, starring Julia Roberts, is scheduled to open Aug. 13. Gilbert’s appearance was made possible in large part by the Hanson Lecture Series by way of the Robert D. and Barbara E. Hanson Fund for The Foundation of Enhancing Com-


munities, established by Robert D. and Barbara E. Hanson ’45 to fund a lecture program that features prominent national or international personalities. Frederick Reads is a collaborative effort among Frederick County Public Libraries and local organizations to foster a love of reading within the community.

A lifelong healthcare practitioner and educator who specializes in women’s health issues will lead Hood’s newest addition to its curriculum. Carol Ann Snapp of Walkersville, Md., has been named director of nursing for Hood’s bachelor of science in nursing completion program, a collaborative effort between Hood, Frederick Community College and Frederick Memorial Hospital. The College’s first-ever bachelor’s degree completion program in nursing was officially announced in January. Registered nurses who already have an associate degree in nursing will be able to enroll in the program. The degree will complement the large nursing program at Frederick Community College, where the associate degree in nursing is offered. Most of the more than 1,000 nurses in the Frederick area do not hold the B.S.N. and would be candidates for the degree. Snapp brings more than 35 years of clinical, academic, supervisory and administrative experience to the newly established program. She previously served as assistant professor in the department of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and as a clinical instructor and nurse-midwifery education program director at the University of Maryland School of Nursing. She has also served on numerous local advisory committees, local and state peer review panels and as a contributor to academic journals. “We are delighted to have Carol lead this new venture,” said President Volpe. “She brings a wealth of experience and expertise that will serve us and our students well in this new initiative.” Snapp earned a bachelor of science in nursing degree from the University of Maryland, a master of science degree in nursing from the University of Pennsylvania, and a business of nursing certificate and a doctor of nursing science degree from The Johns Hopkins University.


Summer 2010 - The Green Issue

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Summer 2010 - The Green Issue

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Summer 2010 - The Green Issue - c2
Summer 2010 - The Green Issue - 1
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