Green & Design - July/August 2009 - (Page 32)

public-private partnership between World-Wide Properties and the NYC School Construction Authority—EE&K ensured that the adaptive reuse of the building, as well as the goals for sustainability, were successfully implemented. David Lowenfeld, executive vice president of The World-Wide Group recently stated, “The new P.S. 59 is an example of how private and public interests can work together for the greater good of the local community.” However, while the design team, clients, and parents were in agreement on the fundamentals for P.S. 59, the fact that the original site did not have a gymnasium— nor did the original design plans allocat- ed space for one—did not sit well with parents, or students, for that matter. “Because we were limited by the existing site, we conceded that the students would have to make use of the nearby playgrounds and parks, but the parents were extremely adamant about not accepting that,” Greenberg states. That set in motion a lofty design solution. Deciding that the only place to go was up, EE&K placed the gym on the top floor and an expansive play area on the rooftop. Greenberg explains that this was made possible by redistributing the weight of the roof to new columns at the sixth floor perimeter and then back to the fifth floor interior columns below through 32 | July/August 2009

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Green & Design - July/August 2009

Green & Design - July/August 2009
Is Carbon Neutral Possible?
Growing Green
Firmly Planted
The Energizer Effect
Natural Wonders
Above the Fray
Northern Exposure
Industrial Chic
Walking the Walk
Green Building Goes Global
Here Come the Lawyers
Do You Have to be LEED to be Green?
Ad Index

Green & Design - July/August 2009