IEEE Electrification Magazine - March 2014 - 80

Case C: Protection in
Weak-Infeed Loop Fault

The IIT microgrid
uses the localized
protection scheme
as the centralized
control suffers from
time delays.

in this case, we assume that the
microgrid operates in grid-connected
mode and a single-phase-to-ground
fault occurs at t = 1 s on loop 1 immediately after loop-feeder A (see figure 9).
the total fault current and fault currents through loop-feeders A and b are
shown as i_fault, i_feederA, and i_feederB
in figure 16, the loop Pott protection
scheme failed because of low-fault current sensed by loop Pd A1. this small
fault current is shown by i_feederB from
1 s to about 1.6 s as marked in figure 16. As a backup protection for loop 1, the nondirectional oc relay at loopfeeder A trips at 1.6 s after 0.6 s delay. this time delay
includes the relay and breaker operating time and timeoc delay of relay A. the entire fault current flows through
loop-feeder b in 1.6-2.2 s, which triggers the nondirectional relay at loop-feeder b after 0.6 s delay at 2.2 s. the total
fault current is lower in 1.6-2.2 s compared to 1-1.6 s,
because of the higher loop impedance in the latter period.

it is shown that the hierarchical protection strategy based on
the communication-assisted directional oc relays and the
localized differential scheme would provide efficient protection schemes for the iit microgrid in both grid-connected
and island modes. the communication-assisted relays adopt
adaptive settings for their operation to respond to the higher
fault currents in grid-connected mode and lower fault
currents in island mode. the synchronous generator in the
microgrid provides sufficient fault current for the implementation of the oc-based protection strategy. the simulation
results for grid-connected and island modes demonstrated
the effectiveness of the proposed protection scheme.

this project was partially supported by the u.s. department of energy under grant de-fc26-08nt02875.

For Further Reading
M. shahidehpour, M. e. Khodayar, and M. barati, "campus
microgrid: High reliability for active distribution systems,"
in Proc. IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting, July
2012, pp. 1-2.


I E E E E l e c t r i f i c ati o n M agaz ine / MARCH 2014

M. shahidehpour and M. e. Khodayar, "cutting campus energy costs
with hierarchical control: the economical and reliable operation of a
microgrid," IEEE Electrification
Mag., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 40-56, sept.
M. e. Khodayar, M. barati, and M.
shahidehpour, "integration of high
reliability distribution system in
microgrid operation," IEEE Trans.
Smart Grid, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1977-2006,
dec. 2012.
Perfect power prototype at illinois institute of technology. [online]. Available: http://
A. flueck and Z. Li, "destination: Perfection," IEEE
Power Energy Mag., vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 36-47, nov. 2008.
t. Horan, J. K. niemira, and J. f. clair. (2010). detailed
functional specification and analytical studies results for
high reliability distribution system (Hrds) of illinois institute of technology, s&c electric company, Project no. 3568
and 3953. [online]. Available:
g. tsai. (2011). Perfect power system-design of the
scAdA system for the high reliability distribution system
at illinois institute of technology, s&c electric company.
[online]. Available:
seL-351 optimize protection, automation, and breaker
control. [online]. Available:

IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with
Electric Power Systems, ieee standard 1547-2003, pp. 7, 2003.

Liang Che ( is with the electrical and
computer engineering department, illinois institute of
technology, chicago.
Mohammad E. Khodayar ( is
with department of electrical engineering, southern
Methodist university, dallas, texas.
Mohammad Shahidehpour ( is with the
electrical and computer engineering department, illinois
institute of technology, chicago.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Electrification Magazine - March 2014

IEEE Electrification Magazine - March 2014 - Cover1
IEEE Electrification Magazine - March 2014 - Cover2
IEEE Electrification Magazine - March 2014 - 1
IEEE Electrification Magazine - March 2014 - 2
IEEE Electrification Magazine - March 2014 - 3
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