Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 28

by Linda Eck Mills, MBA, RDN, LDN, FADA

" We cannot stop natural disasters, but we can
arm ourselves with knowledge: so many lives
wouldn't have to be lost if there was enough disaster
preparedness. " Petra Nemcova, 2004 Thailand
Tsunami Survivor
It is critically important that foodservice
professionals and support staff prepare for disasters
to safeguard vulnerable patients/residents,
employees and visitors, and the facility during
According to the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2010-2019
was a landmark decade which saw a significant
number of billion-dollar events in the U.S.
*	 2017 was a record year in this decade with
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management
Agency) recognizing 137 separate disaster
declarations. Over 95.6 million people affected
and an additional 9,697 killed by these disasters
made them catastrophic in loss of lives and total
costs. Sixteen of these disasters cost $1 billion to
$3 billion, with a new record of $306 billion in
disaster losses.
*	 2018 had 124 major declared disasters, 14 of
which were over $1 billion in damage with a
total of $91 billion in disaster losses.
*	 2019 had 101 major declared disasters with 14
over $1 billion in damage with a total of $45
billion in losses.

NUTRITION & FOODSERV IC E EDGE | January-February 2021

Ensure Your Disaster
Plan Won't Be


Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021

Top 10 Tips for Managing Stress and Enhancing Self-Care
Connect Corner
My Recipe for Success
Management Connection: Maximizing Motivation in the Workplace
Nutrition Connection: The Nutrition Care Team: Working Together for Client Health
Management Connection: Mindfulness for Compassionate Leadership and Stress Reduction
Emergency Preparedness: Ensure Your Disaster Plan Won't be Disastrous
Recruiting Restaurant Staff to Non-Commercial Food Service
Six Steps to Create Successful Virtual Training
What CDM, CFPP Means to Me
CDM, CFPP Spotlights
Pride in Foodservice Week 2021
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 1
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 2
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 3
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 4
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 5
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 6
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - Top 10 Tips for Managing Stress and Enhancing Self-Care
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - Connect Corner
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 9
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - My Recipe for Success
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 11
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - Management Connection: Maximizing Motivation in the Workplace
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 13
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 14
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 15
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 16
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 17
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - Nutrition Connection: The Nutrition Care Team: Working Together for Client Health
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 19
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 20
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 21
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 22
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 23
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - Management Connection: Mindfulness for Compassionate Leadership and Stress Reduction
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 25
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 26
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 27
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - Emergency Preparedness: Ensure Your Disaster Plan Won't be Disastrous
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 29
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 30
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 31
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - Recruiting Restaurant Staff to Non-Commercial Food Service
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 33
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 34
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 35
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - Six Steps to Create Successful Virtual Training
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 37
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 38
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 39
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 40
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 41
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 42
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 43
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - What CDM, CFPP Means to Me
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 45
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 46
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - CDM, CFPP Spotlights
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 48
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - Pride in Foodservice Week 2021
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 50
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 51
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge Magazine - Jan/Feb 2021 - 52
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