Innovation Guide - 2022 - 11

Congratulations to Forest
Preserves of Cook County
(Illinois) for winning the
overall 2022 Best in
Innovation Award for its
project, Palos Preserves
Urban Night Sky Place.
each participant and follow up with
individuals to ensure their social,
emotional and physical health needs
are being met.
Community Engagement
and Partnerships
During the first year of UPSLIDE,
Friends Connection sites were chosen
with a focus on rural and underserved
communities, which also
coincided with additional outreach
efforts. These efforts included press
releases, television and radio advertisements,
fliers and brochures, as
well as social media posts. More than
1,500 people were reached through
formal presentations, exhibit tables,
partner conversations.
engagement efforts and
more educated the community about
the harmful effects of loneliness and
isolation, the importance of social
connection, and the ways the UPSLIDE
program helps to foster healthy
people for a healthy community.
Program Impacts
Since 2018, more than 450 individuals
have been served by the UPSLIDE
program. Of these people, 350
have attended at least one Friends
Connection group and approximately
150 have taken advantage of the
counseling services.
In 2020 and 2021, 90 percent of
participants said UPSLIDE made
a positive difference in their lives.
Additionally, 75 percent said they
made friends and felt less isolated, and
90 percent said their quality of life had
Looking to the Future
Grant funding, as well as financial
support from the City of Tallahassee,
helps to ensure UPSLIDE staff can
continue providing services, as well
as expand the program. Staff plan
to continue to seek out funding for
additional opportunities for social
engagement, such as field trips and
educational programs. Staff also
will continue to engage community
members and partners by presenting
at local, regional and national conferences
to encourage involvement in
the program.
Innovation in Equity -
Hillsborough County
(Florida) Parks and
Recreation, Hillsborough
County Wheelchair Football
The Hillsborough County All People's
Community Park and Life Center
- a facility created for serving
people with disabilities - is home
to Hillsborough County Adaptive
Sports (HCAS), a program that
serves people with disabilities and
veterans. To increase opportunities
for competitive play, HCAS staff created
a wheelchair football program.
While all participants have a physical
disability, many represent minority
groups, including 30 percent Black or African
American, 29 percent Hispanic or
Latino, and 14 percent New Americans.
The program also is free, including
travel and equipment, which allows
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Innovation Guide - 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Innovation Guide - 2022

Innovation Guide - 2022 - Cover1
Innovation Guide - 2022 - Cover2
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 1
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 2
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 3
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 4
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 5
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 6
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 7
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 8
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 9
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 10
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 11
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 12
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 13
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 14
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 15
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 16
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 17
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 18
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 19
Innovation Guide - 2022 - 20
Innovation Guide - 2022 - Cover3
Innovation Guide - 2022 - Cover4