Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 9

Plastics News, October 20, 2022 * 9
is of a world in 2030 where circularity
is reality, where plastic will
no longer have a negative connotation
but will instead be regarded
in the same way as paper,
metal or glass. " We need plastic,
also simply it has a quite low CO2
consumption in comparison to
other alternatives. We must get
to a situation where everyone is
happy to use plastic without a
'bad' feeling - because it is disposed
of correctly and recycled.
Just like glass and paper. "
K 2022 highlights
The focus of the group's trade
show presentation is on new recycling
systems and components
- in total seven - to meet a wide
range of customer needs and
quality specifi cations.
In a notable step, Erema has
also launched technology aimed
at the chemical recycling process.
Chemarema, as the new
series is called, has been developed
for mechanical material
processing as part of the chemical
recycling process, according
to Hackl. Mechanical processes
are often at the beginning of the
process chain for chemical recycling
to prepare input streams
and ensure a reliable, continuous
and energy-effi cient fl ow of
feed material, he explained. Chemarema
features extrusion technology
that has been precisely
tailored for downstream chemical
Erema is also launching EcoGentle,
a new plasticizing technology
for its large Vacurema PET
recycling systems that allows
higher throughputs of up to 6
tonnes per hour at lower temperatures
and about a 10 percent lower
energy consumption. This is
achieved through the further optimization
of a number of design
and rheological factors, with a result
of particularly homogeneous
melt and a wider process window.
The lower temperature allows the
melt to be processed more gently
overall, producing higher-quality
recycled PET pellets.
Currently, the company's focus
with its large-scale plants is on
PET recycling. However, Erema
is also working on similarly upscaling
the technologies for polyolefi
n recycling to achieve high
throughput volumes.
highly contaminated
post-consumer materials, Erema
is also launching the new Intarema
TVEplus DuaFil Compact
double fi ltration machine, which,
compared with the previous Erema
double fi ltration solution,
is more compactly designed and
achieves a melt temperature upstream
of the second fi lter unit
that is 18.5° C lower, thus also reducing
the energy consumption.
In addition, Erema's Powerfi l
business has developed a new
Laserfi lter 406 with a 50 percent
larger screen area that can handle
the larger throughputs: up to
9,000 kilograms of melt can be
fi ltered per hour with the Quattro
version of the new fi lter.
3S is presenting a new type of
cylinder that enables ultrasonic
wear measurement of the extrusion
screw and cylinder while the
machine is running, eliminating
the need to shut down, remove
and reinstall
the parts, which
would usually mean one to two
days of machine downtime.
Umac, the company specializing
in refurbishing and selling
used machines, is also launching
a new activity at K. Called Readymac,
it is a standardized, prefabricated
recycling solution that can
be produced from stock and can
handle many standard applications
in the post-consumer recycling
segment, providing a good
option for customers that need a
recycling solution at short notice
without custom confi guration.
Live demonstrations of the
machines in the in-house recycling
segment from Pure Loop
and Plasmac are being shown at
the Erema Group stand in Hall
9, where Keycycle will also be
showcasing a new deinking solution
for recycling printed fi lm
that enables printing ink to be
removed in a process step upstream
of extrusion.
Next to all the new hardware,
Erema is also presenting new
software in Düsseldorf, Germany.
The company is launching
PredictOn:Drive, a
maintenance application for its
recycling machines. The app
can be used to monitor the condition
of the main drivetrains
and vacuum pumps during operation
to predict when maintenance
needs to be performed
next, thus improving scheduling,
shortening downtimes and
lowering costs.
The data is made available
in the BluPort digital customer
platform, which bundles all
digital assistance systems. The
platform can be accessed via PC
and mobile devices and offers a
comprehensive suite of service
and data visualization apps that
help plant operators control
quality and improve machine
We care about creating a greener
world through plastics recycling,
to move this forward and to lessen the
chance that the plastic will end up in
the environment and to clean up the
environment and to reprocess used
plastic into a new product. It's these
values that drive us as a company to
innovate - together we are a strong
team for you as a customer, but also
for the environment. "
Manfred Hackl
Erema Group
Also available as upgrade for your
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Available as turn-key solution or as upgrade.
- 26th
October 2022
Düsseldorf, Germany
Hall 16, Booth B47-2
viscotec - world market leader in decontamination and PET sheet lines.
foodgrade without compromise

Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022

Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - CT1
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - CT2
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 1
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 2
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 3
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 4
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 5
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 6
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 7
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 8
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 9
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 10
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 11
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 12
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 13
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 14
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 15
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 16
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 17
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 18
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 19
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 20
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 21
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 22
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 23
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 24
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 25
Plastics News - Show Daily - October 20, 2022 - 26