LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 77

ternalities and you lose by internalizing the
negative externalities. it is impossible not to
come up with some policy incoherence.”
But despite the challenges, the era of
emerging market crises is long past, el erian
says. “We will continue to have these bouts
of volatility. it means that there will be some
policy incoherence. it means that the full
potential of certain countries will not be
exploited. But it does not lead us to the old
crisis world.”
What’s changed, in el erian’s view, is that
emerging markets have now achieved financial self-determination, thanks to improved
governance and fundamentals. “countries
have taken control of their destiny. it
doesn’t mean that they’re not buffeted by
what’s happening outside – there are always
risks that you can’t control – but they are
in much better control of the risks you can
the result is that “it’s much harder for
technical dislocation to tip the average latin
american country into the bad old multiple
equilibria, where one bad outcome would
increase the probability of another worse
outcome,” he says. “that is a fundamental
the new latin america “is somewhat
better at avoiding own goals, so they score
few own goals. and it has built much more
resilience to external shocks. that doesn’t
mean that it can avoid the cold; it cannot.
But it can avoid the cold from developing
into something worse.”
But nevertheless, weak points remain. el
erian says today’s global economic weakness poses the gravest risk in latin america
to argentina. “in this environment, there
are certain countries that will tip. argentina
will tip,” he says.
this is not his first bearish call on argentina. in 1999, as manager of Pimco’s emerging markets bond fund, he sold $2 billion of
argentine debt, convinced that the country’s economic dynamics looked bad – even
though the sovereign at the time represented 20% of the JP morgan benchmark index.
that call was famously vindicated two years
later when argentina defaulted on its $100
billion debt.
in contrast, in october 2002, as anxiety gripped Wall Street over the possible
election in Brazil of leftist candidate luiz
inácio lula da Silva, el erian would fly in
the face of mainstream logic and bulk up
on Brazilian dollar debt – just as lula’s poll
lead widened and the nation’s currency and
bonds slid. Pimco dug in its heels, adding to
its portfolio of roughly $1 billion in Brazilian
to read more, see

TAILS, YOU LOSE : Western central
bank policy has put many emerging economies “in a lose-lose situation,” says Pimco CEO Mohamed
El Erian

mohamed el erian

“EvErything has
bEEn ovErvaluEd.
WE’vE had artificial
pricing EvEryWhErE,
starting from thE
us trEasury markEt
all thE Way out.
What you’vE had is
an adjustmEnt”

dollar debt.
at the time, el erian insisted that a default was not on the cards. “Brazil has the
willingness and ability to make its debt
payments,” he said then. “those who are
betting on a Brazil default are likely to lose.
We’re bullish on Brazil because it is a good
buy at these levels.” that bet not only paid
off for the firm – but cemented el erian’s

status as an investor.
today, el erian says Brazil faces the
risk of “policy incoherence” in the face of
slowing growth and a global re-pricing of
risk. “i would put Brazil nearer to mexico
than argentina, but it’s not mexico. mexico
has benefitted from the institutional anchor
that Brazil is still developing. in the absence
of institutional anchors people will go back
to old bad habits,” he says.
Not so stable
anxiety over an early end to the $85 billion
monthly bond purchases still weighs heavy
on the financial markets. But the problem,
as el erian sees it, is that the markets are
conflating a winding down of unorthodox
policies with a normalizing of the interest
rate cycle.
the latter is unlikely to happen soon,
he says, because growth in the advanced
August 2013 - 25 Years - l atinfina 77 http://LATINFINANCE.COM

LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013

Latin Finance - Special Edition - August 2013
The Evolution of the Markets 1988-2013
The Future of Latin Finance
"Twenty-five Years Ago, LatinFinance Was Launched With One simple, if Well-worn, Belief: That Crisis Inevitably Gives Way to Opportunity"
Evolution of the Markets & Deals of the Quarter Century
Turnaround Time, for Some
Rising Champions
Locals Wanted
Gaining Pace
A Question of Depth
The Public-Private Balance
Cheaper Borrowing
Keeping It Simple
Local Banks Are Increasingly Stepping Up the Latin League Tables
LatinFinance Charts a Quarter Century of Change for the Biggest Banks in Latin America
LatinFinance Picks Out the Major Turning Points in the Region’s Political, Economic and Financial History Over the Past 25 Years
Governance & Reform
President, Mexico
Former President, Brazil
“the Government Has Not Given Up on What Is Fundamental. but When It Comes to Improving The Lives of Brazilians, There Are Signs It Has Started To Weaken"
Former President, Colombia
Opposition Leader, Venezuela
Former Us Treasury Secretary
Stability & Regulation
Governor, Bank of Mexico
“Latin America Did Very Well During the 2008 Crisis. but It’s Also True That a Lot of Ammunition Was Used”
Chairman, Grupo Financiero Banorte
Former Vice-Chairman, Citigroup
Partner, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
Former Governor, Central Bank of Brazil
Former Governor, Central Bank of Venezuela
Former Governor, Central Bank of Argentina
Professor of Economics, Columbia University
Corporates & Capital
CEO and co-CIO, Pimco
CEO, Gávea Investimentos
Founder, Celfin Capital
With Joyce Chang, Richard Frank, Hari Hariharan, Hans Humes, Will Landers, Mark Mobius and Martin Schubert
CEO, Itaú-Unibanco
CEO, Grupo Sura
Chairman, Santander
CFO, América MóVil
Former CEO, Vale
Chairman, Roubini Global Economics
Growth & Development
Former President, Chile
President, CAF
President, IDB
Former President, IDB
Former President, Caribbean Development Bank
President, Centennial Group Latin America
A Look Into the Future With Alternate Visions of Latin America a Quarter Century From Now
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Latin Finance - Special Edition - August 2013
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Cover2
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - The Evolution of the Markets 1988-2013
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - The Future of Latin Finance
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 3
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - "Twenty-five Years Ago, LatinFinance Was Launched With One simple, if Well-worn, Belief: That Crisis Inevitably Gives Way to Opportunity"
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 5
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Evolution of the Markets & Deals of the Quarter Century
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 7
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Turnaround Time, for Some
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 9
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 10
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 11
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Rising Champions
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 13
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 14
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 15
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Locals Wanted
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 17
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Gaining Pace
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 19
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 20
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 21
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - A Question of Depth
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 23
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 24
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 25
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - The Public-Private Balance
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 27
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Cheaper Borrowing
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 29
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Keeping It Simple
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 31
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - LatinFinance Charts a Quarter Century of Change for the Biggest Banks in Latin America
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - G2
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - G4
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - G5
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 34
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 35
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 36
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 37
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 38
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 39
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 40
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 41
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 42
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 43
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 44
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 45
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 46
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 47
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Governance & Reform
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 49
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - President, Mexico
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 51
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - “the Government Has Not Given Up on What Is Fundamental. but When It Comes to Improving The Lives of Brazilians, There Are Signs It Has Started To Weaken"
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 53
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 54
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 55
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Former President, Colombia
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 57
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Opposition Leader, Venezuela
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 59
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Former Us Treasury Secretary
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 61
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Stability & Regulation
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Governor, Bank of Mexico
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 64
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - B1
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - B2
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 65
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Chairman, Grupo Financiero Banorte
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 67
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Former Vice-Chairman, Citigroup
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Partner, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Former Governor, Central Bank of Brazil
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Former Governor, Central Bank of Venezuela
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Former Governor, Central Bank of Argentina
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 73
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Professor of Economics, Columbia University
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Corporates & Capital
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - CEO and co-CIO, Pimco
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 77
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 78
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 79
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - CEO, Gávea Investimentos
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Founder, Celfin Capital
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - With Joyce Chang, Richard Frank, Hari Hariharan, Hans Humes, Will Landers, Mark Mobius and Martin Schubert
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 83
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 84
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 85
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - CEO, Itaú-Unibanco
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 87
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - CEO, Grupo Sura
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Chairman, Santander
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - CFO, América MóVil
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Former CEO, Vale
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Chairman, Roubini Global Economics
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Growth & Development
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Former President, Chile
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 95
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - President, CAF
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 97
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - President, IDB
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Former President, IDB
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Former President, Caribbean Development Bank
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 101
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - President, Centennial Group Latin America
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - 103
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - A Look Into the Future With Alternate Visions of Latin America a Quarter Century From Now
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Cover3
LatinFinance - Special Edition - August 2013 - Cover4