Vim & Vigor - Fall 2010 - (Page 24)

Take a STR BY ALLISON THOMAS Food is a powerful thing. It fuels our bodies and brings people together—not to mention that it’s just plain enjoyable to eat. But did you know that certain foods can actually help reduce stress? Of course, that isn’t license to have a date with Ben & Jerry every night. Notice we did say “certain foods.” And by taking a look at the link between diet and stress, you can help ensure you’re making the best food choices to calm your worries without packing on the pounds. Bit Out of 24 Vim & Vigor · FA LL 2 010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Fall 2010

Vim &_Vigor - Fall 2010
Community Message
Community Briefs
Good Health Is Good Business
Quality Care to Count On
Healthy Habits start in Homeroom
What’s in Your Medicine Cabinet?
See the Future
The Female Factor
Take a Bite Out of Stress
Starring Role
Shouldering the Pain
Train Your Brain
What Now?
Choose Your Own Adventure
Gold Medal Workouts
Spotlight on Community Hospital
Spotlight on St. Catherine Hospital
Spotlight on St. Mary Medical Center
Seeing Safety

Vim & Vigor - Fall 2010