Vim & Vigor - Fall 2010 - (Page 36)

your Br a i n a A guide for keeping this essential organ in tiptop shape for years to come A 36 s middle age hits us squarely in the face, fad diets and plastic surgery may ward off the unflattering visual realities of aging. But while you may not notice them in the mirror, even more profound changes are happening to our brains. Your brain mass starts shrinking, your cortex—the outer surface of your brain— thins, and your brain’s communication system of white matter and neurotransmitters starts to break down. The result: a decline in short-term memory and an increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Although scientists once believed that the brain lost its ability to generate new cells and rewire itself as we aged, growing evidence supports the theory that our brains retain their plasticity well into our senior years—if you keep your brain in good shape with a healthy lifestyle and stimulating activities. Here’s how to start building a better brain today, no matter what your age. By Jennifer Daack Woolson Vim & Vigor • Fa l l 2 010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Fall 2010

Vim &_Vigor - Fall 2010
Community Message
Community Briefs
Good Health Is Good Business
Quality Care to Count On
Healthy Habits start in Homeroom
What’s in Your Medicine Cabinet?
See the Future
The Female Factor
Take a Bite Out of Stress
Starring Role
Shouldering the Pain
Train Your Brain
What Now?
Choose Your Own Adventure
Gold Medal Workouts
Spotlight on Community Hospital
Spotlight on St. Catherine Hospital
Spotlight on St. Mary Medical Center
Seeing Safety

Vim & Vigor - Fall 2010