Elephants and Tea - Walgreens Special Edition - 25

Nutrition and Cancer
MYTH Pesticides in foods cause
FACT Research findings suggest
that pesticide exposure at the levels found
on conventionally grown produce is not
related to an increased incidence of cancer
in adults.(14)
It is important to eat fruits and
vegetables, regardless of if they are conventional
or organic. Any fruit or vegetable is
better than none. Conventionally grown
produce nourishes your body even with the
use of synthetic pesticides. All produce has
nutrients your body needs to function.
Choose foods you are comfortable
with. Foods grown, picked, and eaten
sooner rather than later have more
nutrition. Vegetables lose nutrients
between the time they are picked and
when they are eaten. (15)
Buy local when
possible-this not only supports your
local economy, but it will likely be more
nutritious. If you are concerned about
pesticides and want to support organic
models of farming, this is an acceptable
option. Frozen and canned vegetables
can be a viable option as well. (16)
poor choice is not consuming any fruits
and vegetables.
The biggest risk you can take is not
consuming the recommended four to
five cups of fruits and vegetables daily.
Without this, your body is lacking the
nutrients it needs for nourishment.
MYTH An alkaline diet will change
your blood pH and fight cancer.
FACT There is no scientific consensus
proving that what you eat can manipulate
your blood pH or that it has any
effect on cancer. (17)
The lungs, bones, and
kidneys work together to control blood
pH, regardless of what you consume. (18)
Those who support the use of an alkaline
diet claim cancer cells thrive in an
acidic environment but cannot survive
in an alkaline environment. You may
It can be difficult to get the nutrients you need while
undergoing cancer treatment... The best advice is to
obtain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from whole
foods. This is the way your body prefers to receive it.
change your diet, expecting this will
slow or stop the growth of cancer. Acidic
foods, such as meat, dairy, breads, and
sugar-laden snacks are avoided, and alkaline
foods such as fruits, vegetables,
beans, and nuts are encouraged.
An alkaline diet encourages people
to eat vegetables and fruits, which are
healthy choices we often don't get enough
of. Individuals with cancer may cause
harm by following an alkaline diet if they
limit animal protein and don't replace
this with another protein source, which
could lead to muscle loss.
Despite the faulty basis of the claims
on the alkaline diet, the foods recommended
are safe to eat.
MYTH I can take a supplement
instead of eating fruits and vegetables.
FACT While every individual is
different, research shows supplements
do not offer cancer protection. In fact,
certain supplements may affect treatment
by interfering with chemotherapy and
radiation treatment. (19, 20)
A specific supplement may increase or
decrease the amount of a drug within the
blood and can influence its therapeutic
effect. (20)
This may lead to unexpected
side effects, poor response to treatment,
or hospitalization. It is important to
approach supplements with caution.
Specific vitamins and minerals should
be used for deficiencies diagnosed and
treated by your doctor.
It can be difficult to get the nutrients
you need while undergoing cancer treatment.
It is important to maintain weight
and muscle mass to aid in recovery.
Treatment-related side effects may affect
your ability to eat. The best advice is to
obtain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
from whole foods. This is the way
your body prefers to receive it.
MYTH Breast cancer survivors
should avoid soy.
FACT There are no evidence-based
guidelines showing that soy prevents
cancer, that you should not eat soy, or that
it causes cancer. (21)
Why is there so much confusion? Soy
foods contain phytoestrogens, which
are compounds in foods that have an
estrogen-like chemical structure. PhyELEPHANTSANDTEA.COM

Elephants and Tea - Walgreens Special Edition

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Elephants and Tea - Walgreens Special Edition

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