Elephants and Tea - Walgreens Special Edition - 7

Walgreens Feel More Like You®
Your skin is definitely more sensitive to the sun during treatment,
and we want you to continue protecting it throughout
treatment as well as after to prevent any new skin cancers.
The best way to protect it is by either wearing loose-fitting
clothing that covers your skin and hats, or using sunscreen
formulated for sensitive skin. Also, don't forget your scalp, as
we are not used to thinking about applying sunscreen there,
but it is just as important. It's also important to remember that
this affects everyone no matter the color of your skin, so even
for people who have darker skin and may not normally burn
easily, it's still very important to protect it.
Start: Align pencil with
nostril & inner eye corner
Arch: Align pencil
with nostril & pupil
Tail: Align pencil
with nostril & outer
eye corner
Fill in: Use those
points to create the
brow shape & fill in
using small strokes
LO: Is there a specific brand of false eyelashes that you would
recommend to a cancer patient or survivor that is safe to wear?
CA: There is actually a specific brand for people going through
treatment. We don't carry them in stores, but they are available
on the Walgreens website! It is called Eyelure C Lash Lengthening
Replacement Lashes.
LO: Moving onto a few beauty-related questions. What is the
best way for individuals to draw in natural-looking eyebrows
while they wait for theirs to grow back?
CA: In my opinion, using a brow pencil works best. Using a
pencil can be the most natural looking option. A service we
provide that I love is you can actually go in and ask for a quick
tutorial (bring in a picture of what your brows looked like/what
you are used to or what you like).
It can be very hard if the person helping has no idea what the
customers brows looked like prior to treatment. Drawing in
brows can be tricky and frustrating, and everyone's brows are
different. It takes practice! We don't ever want to add to your
frustration level. There is a technique you can try of holding
the pencil up from your nostril to the top of the nose to know
where to start, make a little dot, then make another one over
the iris, and then in the outer corner so you know the length.
Practice really does help, though. There are products out there
that have newer technology, I know NYX has one, where it
looks more like a felt tip marker than a pencil. It goes on easily
and almost looks like three hairs at a time. There are also
stencils that could work for people. Just know that no one gets
it right the first time, and it will take trial and error. I personally
think you can manipulate it more by using a pencil, but
overall, drawing in brows can really make a big difference in
someone's overall confidence.
LO: Do you have any recommendations on products that can
help brighten people's face? I remember my skin feeling so dull
during and right after my treatment.
CA: Oftentimes people going through treatment can experience
discoloration, or an overall tone difference to their skin. In
these cases, people may need color correcting products. Usually,
going for a " glow " really helps. I love products from L'Oréal,
Elf, and Pixie. We carry an array of products that would help
create this effect for all different price points . . . you just need
to give yourself time to play and see what works best for you
and your skin! If you are having trouble with acne, I would
refer you to a pharmacist because we would want to see if the
problem was caused by a reaction to the medications you are
on. That is the wonderful thing about the Feel More Like You®
service, we have easy access to the pharmacy so we can team
up together to help the individual get the best results.
Overall, we want people to use products that they feel great
about. Different scents or textures can change how the products
lay on their skin. Maybe they are using the wrong cleanser.
Maybe their skin has changed completely due to treatment (used
to be oily, now it is dry). These are all things we can help you
with in store! Remember that you may now need to use new
types of products for your different goals. Please know that if
you purchase the items in store and you want help applying
them, we can do that!

Elephants and Tea - Walgreens Special Edition

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Elephants and Tea - Walgreens Special Edition

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Elephants and Tea - Walgreens Special Edition - Contents
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