Rock Garden Quarterly Summer 2012 - (Page 253)

Rules foR the show 1. A person may exhibit as many NARGS 2012 WINTER STUDY WEEKEND PITTSBURGH, PA 2. Troughs shall contain 3 or more species and/or cultivars. troughs as he or she desires. However, only one prize will be given per person. Autumn in the GARDEN - A Time for Troughs - 3. Entries to the show may be entered 4. The show will be closed to the starting at 12:00 noon on Friday, October 12, and must be in place by 10:00 a.m. Saturday, October 13. public during judging, which will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday. until close of the program Sunday, October 14. Please do not remove plants before this time without permission of the Study Weekend Chairman, Len Lehman, or CoChair Al Deurbrouck. 5. Troughs must remain in place October 12-14 2012 6. A popularity voting will take place when show opens and 7. Prizes will be given for both the Judged Show and for the Popularity Vote. continue until 4:00 p.m. Saturday. Each attendee will be given one vote. 8. Judged show 1st Carl Gehenio Memorial Plaque and a $30.00 nursery certificate 2nd $25.00 nursery certificate 3rd $20.00 nursery certificate PoPulaRity voting 1st $30.00 nursery certificate 2nd $25.00 nursery certificate 3rd $20.00 nursery certificate. 9. Prizes will be awarded at the annual banquet on Saturday night, October 13. Carl Gehenio Memorial Trough Show 253

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Rock Garden Quarterly Summer 2012

Digital Quarterly
Expanding Panayoti's Axioms
Photo Contest 2012
Photographing Alpine Plants: A Landscape Point of View
NARGS 2013 Election Timetable
Rock Gardening from Scratch - Seeds
Kim Blaxland and the Violets of North America
Viola pedata
Violas, Kim, and Us - A Celebration
Cooking Native Japanese Plants
Carl Gehenio Memorial Trough Show
Fire in the Hole: Phlox across Colorado
Rebuilding a Rock Garden in Pittsburgh
A Remarkable Garden: David Douglas and the Shrub-steppe of the Columbia Plateau
Bookshelf - Reviews
Swedish Dreams
Treasurer's Report
Bulletin Board
2012 - Eastern Study Weekend: October, Pittsburgh

Rock Garden Quarterly Summer 2012