Spirit Magazine - May 2013 - (Page 79)

We were horrified. Not only had we suffered the indignity of having our car taken, but we got an abomination in return. Dad was stone-faced. He and his crew scoured the pits that night for every can of black spray paint they could find. It was 11 p.m., and everyone was tired and ready to go home, but he wasn’t leaving those pits until he made that car his. The next weekend, after seven nights in the garage with his pit crew, he took that car out onto the track and not only beat Gene Kreuger, but won the feature race. There was no boasting or thumbing of noses at Kreuger. The victory alone was enough. So, what do we do when life doesn’t go the way we want it to? My father’s lesson to me was unspoken but loud and clear: The car is important, but it is determination, attitude, and a team that wins the race. FINDING YOUR SONG Not all tears are tears of sadness and despair. Sometimes they come from unbounded pride and joy, and I do believe if there is such a thing as a tonic for the soul, it is that feeling. Matthew, you were a shy and quiet high school freshman, a personality you’ve carried in the extreme since birth, at least around your parents. Several months after my massive surgery, you said you were trying out for a solo in the school choir. Mom and I dismissed the idea, thinking you probably just meant a tryout for the choir itself. After weeks of updates, you came home and yelled to me in the backyard, “Hey, Dad, I got the solo!” I went to your mom and said, “He’s serious. What the heck do you think is going on here? Can you see him singing a freakin’ solo?” “No,” she said with a smile. “This should be interesting.” Of course we believed you were capable, but this spotlight-seeking was completely uncharacteristic. We went to the choir concert with the expectation of seeing an overambitious freshman get an A for effort, but we were in for a surprise. Your voice boomed, you were in complete harmony with the piano, and we were enlightened. A few months later, you sang again. We were better prepared this time but still in a state of disbelief. Looking at the program, we learned you had earned a varsity letter and were one of three students voted by your peers as Most Valued Choir Member—two distinctions you hadn’t mentioned to us. While we were attempting to process that information, the performance began. http://www.houseofblues.com/santana http://www.santana.com http://www.houseofblues.com/santana http://www.santana.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Spirit Magazine - May 2013

Spirit Magazine - May 2013
Gary’s Greeting
Gary’s Greeting en Español
Star of the Month
Freedom Story
From the Editor
Your Words
Your Pictures
Media Center
Eat Drink Sleep
Break out of the martini mold
Get cozy in Colorado
The Numbers
Watch your back for ninjas
Discover a secret strength
Learn a key to longevity
Wise Guide
Think like a lady
Pick up a trick from Penn Jillette
Cross time zones with confidence
The Great American Vacation
Plan your next great escape
The Summer Wins
Dear Matthew, Joshua, & Noah...
Your Adventure In Orlando
Life Adventure In Orlando
Promotional Series: Spirit of California
Promotional Series: Spirit of New Mexico
Make a May flower
Community Outreach
Route Map
Terminal Maps
Rapid Rewards Partners
Flight Service
The “If” List

Spirit Magazine - May 2013
