FBLA TBL May 2023 - 7

Volunteer Leaders Strengthen FBLA in Competitive Events
It was the event thousands of students
had been waiting for. The 2022
National Leadership Conference (NLC),
held in Chicago, Illinois, was the first
in-person NLC since 2019.
New members were eager
to see what the excitement
was all about, and veteran
members were happy to
return to the energetic
atmosphere they knew
and loved.
Competitive events
are an integral element
of the NLC, with
about 85 percent of
attendees registered to
compete. The Competitive
Events Committee (CEC) is charged
with keeping a close eye on the more
than 100 competitions at the NLC to
make sure they run smoothly. To help
make that process easier for this year's
NLC in Atlanta, Georgia, the CEC
released a Policy & Procedures Manual
in February.
The months-long endeavor of
creating the manual also entailed
vetting from the Governance
Committee, which reviews policies
for the organization. This was one of
many examples of volunteers going
above and beyond to enhance the
organizational landscape for future
business leaders. For example, the
Membership Committee developed
the idea of a mini-grants program
to provide states with funds to boost
member engagement and chapter
numbers. The Diversity, Equity, &
Inclusion (DEI) Council is crafting
more inclusive language for core FBLA
documents and will review results
from the DEI audit the organization is
voluntarily undertaking.
Volunteers play an integral
role in furthering FBLA's mission of
inspiring and preparing communityminded
business leaders. They offer a
breadth of experience and perspective
from all levels and all divisions of the
organization. They complement the
National Center's ability to work on
important issues.
And by dedicating
their time to FBLA,
volunteers know
they are engaging in
meaningful actions that
keep the association on
the cutting edge of career
and technical education.
Director of Awards &
Recognition Jen Staley, a
former Colorado FBLA state
adviser and CEC member
who helped develop the
manual, said the CEC wanted to create a
guidebook to manage expectations and
clarify questions from students, advisers,
volunteer judges, and state leaders
before and during competitions.
" The manual is all about protecting
the fairness and integrity of the
Competitive Events Program, as well
as providing a rewarding, positive
experience for the students themselves, "
she said.
The CEC intends to revisit the manual
after each NLC concludes to ensure even
better outcomes in the future.
CEC Chair Nicholas Western, an
adviser at Thomas Edison High School
in Fairfax County, Virginia, said his
desire to volunteer for this project and
FBLA in general is based on a desire to
repay those who helped him in the past.
" I've had this great experience in FBLA
that has depended on so many amazing
people in so many different roles, "
said Western, a past High School and
Collegiate member. " I've always wanted
to give back. "
Thanks to FBLA's volunteer
committees, he's been able to do
just that.
MAY 2023 | 7 |
For their efforts in supporting
the creation of the Competitive
Events Committee's Policy
& Procedures Manual,
the following volunteer
leaders have received a
special FBLA Presidential
Recognition Certificate.
CEC Task Force Members:
Jennifer Claus
Jessica DeVaal
Kristen DiStefano
Julie Ellis
Thomas Fortenberry
Karthik Krishnan
Denise Losh
Jeanette Milius, Ph.D.
Mike Oechsner
Monty Rhodes
Jen Staley
Kent Storm
Crystal Ware
Nicholas Western
Governance Committee
Ryan Paul, Chair
Bruce Boncal
Aarav Dagar
Ted Harshbarger
Erin Sherman

FBLA TBL May 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of FBLA TBL May 2023

FBLA TBL May 2023 - 1
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 2
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 3
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 4
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 5
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 6
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 7
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 8
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 9
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 10
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 11
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 12
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 13
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 14
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 15
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 16
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 17
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 18
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 19
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 20
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 21
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 22
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 23
FBLA TBL May 2023 - 24