contents november columns 6 departments Striving to Learn More and Be Better Kristine Stratton 8 14 16 Finance for the Field Creating New Parks in Advance of Development John L. Crompton, Ph.D. 18 Advocacy Advancing Policies for Green Infrastructure in Parks Kyle Simpson Research Falling Tax Revenues Affect Park and Recreation Budgets Kevin Roth 15 Editor's Letter Investing in Knowledge Vitisia Paynich 10 We Are Parks and Recreation f CPRP: Four Powerful Letters in the Park and Rec Field 10 f Share Your Industry Expertise in Parks & Recreation Magazine 11 f 2020 NRPA Directors School - This Year's Unique Experience for Students 12 f GivingTuesday: Make a Difference on December 1! 12 f Member Benefit: The Perfect Gift for Staff - Certification (at a Discount) 13 Perspectives Park Pulse Make Parks and Recreation a Part of Your Family Tradition this Holiday 20 Health and Wellness Research with Juvenile Justice Involved Youth as a Matter of Ethics Maria León, MS 22 Equity 50 Operations f The Benefit of Walking Tracks 50 Cory Corullo f Making Public Restrooms Safe During COVID-19 51 Kip Earlywine 52 Park Essentials 55 Advertiser Index Mixed-Method Evaluations Paint a Park Equity Portrait Lauren Redmore 24 Conservation Park and Recreation Professionals Advancing Greener Parks Wende David 26 Law Review Citizen Activism Can Preserve LWCF-Funded Park Resources James C. Kozlowski, J.D., Ph.D. 56 Park Bench A Bike Park for Everyone Nate Grinzinger The State Side of the LWCF has provided 50/50 matching grants to states and local governments for the acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. Cover image: © Denisismagilov | Photo Edited by Kim Mabon Parks & Recreation is printed using soy ink on at least 10 percent post-consumer recycled paper, and is mailed in a wrap - only when required - that is plant based and certified compostable. If you are interested in helping us go even greener, email us at and ask to opt out of receiving the print magazine. Parks & Recreation is always available to read in an ezine format at 4 Parks & Recreation | N OV E M B E R 2 02 0 | PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N .O R G Page 26