Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 104

Relationships Matter
contributor variables. Finally, two variables were significant contributors to the prediction
of personal accomplishment: Classification Sophomore (β = -0.234, p < .05) and
Area (β = 0.254, p < .05). Overall, the demographic and work characteristics model was
a good fit for the data, F(6, 139) = 2.421, p < .05, with 5.6% of the variance in personal
accomplishment explained by the demographic and work characteristics.
Mattering Predicting Burnout
The next step in the sequential multiple regression test added total mattering to each
of the three burnout dimension models. Upon adding this to the emotional exhaustion
model, Classification Sophomore (β = -0.241, p < .05) and total mattering (β = -0.176,
p < .05) were significant contributors, but the overall model was revealed to not be a
good fit for the data, F(7, 138) = 1.650, p = .126, with only 3.0% of the variance in emotional
exhaustion explained by the model.
The depersonalization model was revealed to be a good fit for the data,
F(7, 140) = 5.482, p < .001, with number of residents (β = 0.229, p < .05), area
(β = 0.305, p < .01), and total mattering (β = -0.444, p < .001) all serving as significant
contributors. By including total mattering, the amount of variance in depersonalization
explained by the model increased from close to zero to nearly 17.6%.
Finally, in the second model predicting personal accomplishment, Classification
Sophomore (β = -0.096, p = .194) and Area (β = 0.047, p = .533) both ceased to
be significant contributors, while total mattering served as the only significant variable
(β = 0.686, p < .001). The F-ratio suggested that the model predicting personal
accomplishment remained a good fit for the data, F(7, 138) = 21.020, p < .001. The
amount of variance in personal accomplishment resulting from the inclusion of
total mattering was 49.1%, an apparent increase from 5.6% in the model that did not
include total mattering.
This research study aimed to fill the gap in the literature about RA relationships and
burnout. The results confirm how mattering serves as an appropriate lens with which
to begin addressing the relational component of the RA job when targeting burnout experienced
by RAs, most notably in the areas of depersonalization and personal accomplishment.
How the predictor variables (especially total mattering) interact differently
with each dimension of burnout further underscores the importance of considering
each of the burnout dimensions independently from the others (Maslach et al., 1996).
Emotional Exhaustion
Of the three dimensions of burnout, emotional exhaustion was the only one that failed
to be significantly predicted in either model within the stepwise regression, but the
results indicated that female RAs were more likely to experience emotional exhaustion
than were their male counterparts. RAs classified as sophomores reported lower
levels of emotional exhaustion than did RAs classified as senior or juniors. Neither of
the variables related to the RAs' working environment (number of residents and area
104 The Journal of College and University Student Housing

Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2

Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - intro
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - Cover1
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - Cover2
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 1
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 2
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 3
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 4
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 5
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 6
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 7
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 8
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 9
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 10
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 11
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 12
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 13
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 14
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 15
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 16
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - 17
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Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - Cover3
Journal of College & University Student Housing Volume 48, No. 2 - Cover4