Delco re:View Spring 2019 - 10

Visionary Women:

Champions of Peace & Nonviolence
Woman of Achievement
In honor of Women's
History Month, the
Delaware County
Women's Commission
recognizes women who
have profoundly influenced
women and girls in our
County. Every year the
National Women's History
Project - the leading
organization that successfully lobbied Congress for the creation
of Women's History Month - offers a premise in which to base
these honors.
Guided by the 2019 theme, "VISIONARY WOMEN:
Champions of Peace & Nonviolence," the Commission
celebrated women of Delaware County who represent the 2019
theme in honor of Women's History Month.
The Commission reaches out to valued members of the
community, to suggest nominees in one of three categories: The
Woman of Achievement Award, Present and Future and the Hall
of Fame Award. They search for honorees who have worked to
end conflicts in their homes, schools, and communities. They
have rejected violence as counterproductive and stressed the
need to restore respect, establish justice, and reduce the causes of
conflict as the surest way to peace.
The Woman of Achievement is a current Visionary
Leader from our community who is a Champion of Peace
and Nonviolence and the Achievement Award of the Future
premiered this year to honor a young female who has
championed peace and nonviolence in her life. The Hall of Fame
Award is offered to a woman who has passed, but whose actions
have continued a legacy that extends beyond her time with us.

Congratulations to the 2019 Honorees ...
Katayoun M. Copeland, Delaware County District
Attorney (pictured right); Bonnee Breese Bentum, Educator
& Founder/Director of A Matter of Xpression; Hanna
Maier, Creator, A Community for Change; Agnes Irwin was
inducted into the Hall of Fame.
From empowering young girls in the mid-19th century, to
supporting young girls in Ghana, to bringing justice and nonviolence to our communities, to beginning a grassroots effort
to end bullying in school, these outstanding women exemplify
female leadership.

10 | Spring 2019

Founded in 1985, the Delaware County Women's
Commission serves as an advisory board to Delaware County
Council on issues impacting women and girls in our county.
Appointed by County Council, the intent of the fifteen-member
commission is to broadly mirror the rich diversity of the county.
The Commission studies current issues faced by women and
girls and seeks to foster solutions and serve as a catalyst for

"The Women of Tasting Freedom"
Submitted by Stephanie H. Klein, Esquire
The Delco Bar Association's Women
in the Law Committee's program "The
Women of Tasting Freedom," a lecture
about women civil rights heroes of the
19th century, was a resounding success.
Authors Dan Biddle and Murray
Dubin spun an entrancing story about
the Philadelphia of black freed people,
replete with tales of their rigorous
schools, abolitionist activity and fights
for universal suffrage for both people of
color and women and many heroes, both male and female, who
fought for civil rights. They spoke movingly of white allies like
Lucretia Mott, a diminutive woman already of advancing years,
who joined hands with black women to put themselves between
a white mob and Pennsylvania Hall. The auditorium was filled
with not only attorneys but all members of this community, who
came to share our little known history.
Thank you to the Women's History Month Committee, to the
Women in the Law Committee, and the Bar Association staff,
particularly, Bill Baldwin, Nancy Ravert Ward and Tracy Price,
for ensuring that this event took place.
Thank you to Mr. Dubin and Mr. Biddle for sharing the fruits
of their research; for this fascinating one-hour presentation
followed by the opportunity to purchase signed copies of
Tasting Freedom; "The audience was entranced by your lecture,
the interest level high, and the feedback was remarkable"
... Stephanie Klein, Esquire, Co-Chair, Women in the Law
Last, we thank the Guy G. deFuria Inn of Court for
sponsorship and those who were able to join us for this thought
provoking program.

Delco re:View Spring 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Delco re:View Spring 2019

Delco re:View Spring 2019 - 1
Delco re:View Spring 2019 - 2
Delco re:View Spring 2019 - 3
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Delco re:View Spring 2019 - 9
Delco re:View Spring 2019 - 10
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