Package Design - March 2012 - 6


Environmentally Conscious Carryout
Technology and reusable packaging meet for beers.


he Growler Station (Shelton, CT) may sound like a trendy salon for dogs, but it’s actually a business that exempli es the growing momentum of the reusable-packaging movement by providing a way for beer lovers to carry the refreshing beverage home without using disposable containers. The Growler Station gives customers the chance to ll reusable glass or recyclable plastic bottles with the craft beers of their choice directly from kegs. The growlers are tted with special caps with inserts designed to keep beer fresh for longer periods of time. Amber-colored glass is used to protect beer from premature spoilage caused by exposure to light and UV. Growlers are lled by dispensing equipment engineered to ensure foam-free lling. Part of the lling process involves purging oxygen from each growler and replacing it with CO2 before the container is lled with beer. According to the Growler Station, the combination of lling directly from kegs, caps that properly seal the containers, and the removal of oxygen from growlers yields beer that stays fresh for weeks instead of a couple of days. The rst Growler Station is open in New York City, and the company reports that locations will open in more cities soon.


The Genesis of Branding
Brand Bible focuses on design fundamentals, reviews the in uences of modern design and examines brand treatments and movements in design. The book is divided into sections devoted to building, sustaining and designing brands. In it, author Debbie Millman describes the steps necessary to de ne brand attributes, assess competition and work with materials and vendors. Millman is the president of the design group at Sterling Brands and has overseen the design/redesign of major brands including Pepsi, Burger King, Tropicana, Kleenex and more.


MARCH 2012


Package Design - March 2012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Package Design - March 2012

Package Design - March 2012
Editor’s Letter
Front Panel
Designer’s Corner
Sustainably Speaking
Recaptured Passion
The Charms of Color
Beyond the Morning After
Look, Listen, Create
Product Focus: Flexible Packaging
On Packagedesign
Index of Advertisers
Package Design - March 2012 - intro
Package Design - March 2012 - Package Design - March 2012
Package Design - March 2012 - Cover2
Package Design - March 2012 - 1
Package Design - March 2012 - Contents
Package Design - March 2012 - 3
Package Design - March 2012 - Editor’s Letter
Package Design - March 2012 - 5
Package Design - March 2012 - Front Panel
Package Design - March 2012 - I1
Package Design - March 2012 - I2
Package Design - March 2012 - 7
Package Design - March 2012 - 8
Package Design - March 2012 - 9
Package Design - March 2012 - Snapshots
Package Design - March 2012 - 11
Package Design - March 2012 - 12
Package Design - March 2012 - 13
Package Design - March 2012 - Designer’s Corner
Package Design - March 2012 - 15
Package Design - March 2012 - Sustainably Speaking
Package Design - March 2012 - 17
Package Design - March 2012 - 18
Package Design - March 2012 - 19
Package Design - March 2012 - Recaptured Passion
Package Design - March 2012 - 21
Package Design - March 2012 - 22
Package Design - March 2012 - 23
Package Design - March 2012 - The Charms of Color
Package Design - March 2012 - 25
Package Design - March 2012 - 26
Package Design - March 2012 - 27
Package Design - March 2012 - Beyond the Morning After
Package Design - March 2012 - 29
Package Design - March 2012 - 30
Package Design - March 2012 - 31
Package Design - March 2012 - Look, Listen, Create
Package Design - March 2012 - 33
Package Design - March 2012 - Product Focus: Flexible Packaging
Package Design - March 2012 - 35
Package Design - March 2012 - 36
Package Design - March 2012 - 37
Package Design - March 2012 - On Packagedesign
Package Design - March 2012 - Index of Advertisers
Package Design - March 2012 - Globespotting
Package Design - March 2012 - Cover3
Package Design - March 2012 - Cover4