A A AUGUST 2022 | Volume 101 Number 8 HydrocarbonProcessing.com 18 8 SPECIAL FOCUS: REFINING TECHNOLOGY 19 Column revamp using packings and internal modeling and revamping technology V. Shirpurkar, A. Arora and V. Kale 23 Green refinery challenges: Small-scale sulfur recovery W. Echt 25 Choosing the proper regulator configuration can reduce droop S. Arumpanayil 29 Evaluate options for decarbonizing petroleum refineries R. B. Singh CATALYSTS 35 Case study: SCR catalyst plugging A. Kline 37 Hydroprocessing catalyst reload and restart best practices-Part 2 S. Dyke and N. Pongboot 100TH ANNIVERSARY 45 History of the HPI 51 HP Flashback BONUS REPORT: GAS PROCESSING & LNG INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHT 59 Electric drive LNG can grow with the clean energy transition J. Ellrich 61 LNG: Adapting to a more strategic role calls for effective quality analysis A. Garza, S. Miller and S. Sutherland 65 Why compact actuation solutions are ideal for constrained space installations M. Rakita PLANT DESIGN, ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION AND COMMISSIONING 69 Soft startup of best practices for the commissioning of amine plants A. Al-Qahtani, A. Al-Warthan and M. Al-Subaie 73 Inspection and test plan: A tool for quality control alignment during construction H. Payami HEAT TRANSFER 77 Use CFD analysis to evaluate the impact of hot air recirculation on air-cooled heat exchangers C.-C. Chen MAINTENANCE AND RELIABILITY N 80 Creating opportunities for future fluid machinery experts H. Bloch 83 Pressure swing adsorption vessels fatigue analysis A. Kittur R DEPARTMENTS 4 Industry Perspectives 8 Business Trends 90 Advertiser Index COLUMNS 7 Editorial Comment Although more than 170 yr old, the modern refining industry continues to evolve 15 Viewpoint The pathway towards autonomy: How process automation is building the future plant WEB EXCLUSIVE People Cover Image: View of Bahrain Petroleum Co.'s (BAPCO's) Sitra refinery's expansion and modernization project. The nearly $7-B project- a major initiative of Bahrain's Vision 2030 program- will improve crude processing flexibility, increase energy efficiency, reduce emissions and enable BAPCO to produce ultra-low-sulfur transportation fuels. N S Y IV E Rhttp://www.HydrocarbonProcessing.com http://www.hydrocarbonprocessing.com