Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 27

revenue in 2011, a 15-percent increase over the previous year. “There are about 75 million people out there who purchase online at least once every three months, and 25 percent of those consumers are buying six or more times,” says Gershenhorn. “This is certainly a space we’re definitely interested in.” In June 2012, UPS released a study conducted by comScore, which surveyed 3,000 consumers who regularly shop via the internet. Gershenhorn says this particular survey goes more in-depth than your typical marketing study. “When you look at most of the other syndicated surveys out there, they tend to focus on pre-purchase up through web-usability perceptions, but they don’t spend a lot of time understanding what happens after the package is shipped through to post-delivery,” he notes. “We believe there’s a tremendous amount of value and insight that can be created there for both our shippers and our consumers.” Thus, comScore evaluated the customer experience from pre-purchase to post-delivery.

Next, more customers prefer to make purchases via their smartphones or tablets. UPS launched its mobile app for the iPhone in October 2009, BlackBerry in December 2009 and Android in 2010. In fact, the company generates 2.4 million app downloads along with 4.6 million tracking requests. “I think those numbers speak to how you can create this superior customer

experience if you’re an e-tailer by partnering with UPS,” affirms Gershenhorn. Another important takeaway from the survey is that 48 percent of consumers say they aren’t willing to wait more than five days for their shipment to arrive on their doorstep. “That’s why it’s critical to offer the full portfolio of shipping options so that you’re satisfying both the need for economy and the

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What Do They Want?
According to Gershenhorn, the data offers four key takeaways. First, consumers want tracking capabilities so they know when their packages will arrive. UPS My Choice makes the process more transparent to consumers by providing customers with a delivery alert the day before their package arrives. He adds that through prior research, UPS learned customers prefer 24-hour delivery notifications as opposed to receiving multiple alerts at various times. E-tailers, Gershenhorn says, might wonder, “When a customer is in a shopping cart and completing an online transaction, how do I integrate with their ability to track their package?” Thus, UPS offers application protocol interfaces (APIs) that e-tailers can integrate into their websites. When they process a customer’s order, e-tailers can link the order number to a UPS tracking number, send the information to the customer and then that individual can self-serve himself.

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June 2012 | electronicRETAILER

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Electronic Retailer - June 2012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Electronic Retailer - June 2012

Calendar of Events
Your Association,Your Bottom Line
Industry Reports
FTC Forum
eMarketer Research
IMS Retail Rankings
Jordan Whitney's Top Categories
Ask the Expert
From the Executive's Desk
Thinking Outside the Box
DRTV's New Best Practices
It's Time to Think Differently About Payment Processing
Guest Viewpoint
Guest Viewpoint
U.S. Hispanic
Member Spotlight
Advertiser Spotlight
Advertiser Index
Bulletin Board
Rick Petry
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - cover1
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - cover2
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 3
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 4
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 5
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 6
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - Calendar of Events
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - Your Association,Your Bottom Line
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 9
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - Industry Reports
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 11
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 12
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - FTC Forum
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - eMarketer Research
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 15
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - IMS Retail Rankings
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 17
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - Jordan Whitney's Top Categories
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 19
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - Ask the Expert
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 21
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 22
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - From the Executive's Desk
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - Thinking Outside the Box
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 25
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 26
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 27
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 28
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 29
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - DRTV's New Best Practices
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 31
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 32
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 33
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - It's Time to Think Differently About Payment Processing
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 35
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 36
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 37
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 38
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - Guest Viewpoint
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 40
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - Guest Viewpoint
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 42
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 43
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 44
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - DRTV
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - U.S. Hispanic
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 47
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - Member Spotlight
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 49
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - Advertiser Spotlight
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - Bulletin Board
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - Classifieds
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - 53
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - Rick Petry
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - cover3
Electronic Retailer - June 2012 - cover4