Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 34

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Clockaudio on Democratizing
Access to High-Quality Audio
We chat with Clockaudio's Bob Moreau on the
importance of enabling remote workers to
enjoy simple, versatile audio solutions.
CTT: What topline trends
are you seeing regarding the
drive to bring high-quality
audio from boardroom and
enterprise environments
into the home for remote
BOB MOREAU: Basically,
since the beginning of the
pandemic, we've seen a lot
of people complain about
the lack of good sound and
intelligibility. And, as we
know, if you have a meeting
for 20 minutes or half an
hour, if the sound is not
quite up to par, you can get
a lot of brain fatigue trying
to understand the people at
the far side. So, that's been
a big focus for us, and that's
what we've been trying to
address. We've been working
on a new platform - a
USB platform - to bring
some of the solutions that
have been proven over
the years, which we use in
boardrooms, huddle rooms
and similar environments,
and apply them into smaller
office settings and also in
home applications. So, the
exciting part is, you now
have the same flexibility as
our Dante platform in terms
of microphone options, but
in a USB format that can
connect directly to your
CTT: Tell me a little bit about
the value proposition of the
CUI2, which is well suited
for workers looking for simplicity
and versatility.
MOREAU: The CUI2 is basically
a little bit of a hybrid.
Instead of coming out with
one USB-type microphone
for home, we wanted to
give the user more flexibility.
Because every home environment
is different, just
like every office is different.
So, going back to the past,
our motto has always been
that we don't want to limit
the possibilities. With the
CUI2, you can use any type
of condenser microphone
from Clockaudio. You can
use any type of control device
from Clockaudio - so,
with the RGB rings and the
switch. And you can really
customize, to your environment
and your needs. And
that's the beauty of it.
So, it is integrator-centric.
And, for people at
home who want something
a little bit more sophisticated,
they can do that. And,
again, they now have a lot
of options.
CTT: Now, the CUB33 is even
simpler, suiting people who
don't want an install that's
going to be more involved.
Tell us about that.
MOREAU: Not everybody's
going to want to drill a hole
in their nice table or want
to do modifications. Some
people are looking for more
of a plug-and-play type of a
product. So, the CUB33 is
using pretty much the same
type of interface as the
CUI2. The only difference
is that it has a permanent
microphone on it, with a
semi-rigid gooseneck and a
C3 cardioid capsule, which
is one of our signature
capsules. And the beauty
of this package is that it
also can give you a lot of
visual cues. So, you have a
nice view-meter that can
be activated on the screen.
And, so, you see if you're
overloading. Obviously, you
don't hear yourself when
you're communicating
with somebody on the far
side, but they hear if you're
distorting. So, you now have
visual cues to help you.
The other thing is the
display is rather large, so you
can really see if you're on or
if you're muted. It gives you
Bob Moreau,
managing director,
Clockaudio North America.
flexibility also if you want to
have your microphone, for example,
push-to-mute. So, it's
always on you - just push to
mute the microphone if you
have to cough or something
like that. Or, you can have it
latching. But the cool thing
is that it mutes locally within
the unit. So, you're sure that
if the display shows you are
muted, the mic is off. You
have full privacy. The other
great thing about this unit is
that it's one USB cable. You
connect it to your laptop
or computer of choice, and
you're up and running. It's as
simple as that.
CTT: What is the timeline
of availability for these
MOREAU: The CUI2 is presently
in stock and available.
The CUB33 launched at ISE
in Barcelona and became
available about two weeks
after that.
Commercial Integrator JUNE 2022

Commercial Integrator June 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Commercial Integrator June 2022

Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Cover1
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Cover2
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 1
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 2
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 3
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 4
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 5
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 6
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 7
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 8
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 9
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 10
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 11
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 12
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 13
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 14
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 15
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 16
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 17
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 18
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 19
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 20
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 21
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 22
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 23
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 24
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 25
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 26
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 27
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 28
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 29
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 30
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 31
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 32
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 33
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 34
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 35
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 36
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 37
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 38
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 39
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 40
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 41
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 42
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 43
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 44
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 45
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Special Section 1
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Special Section 2
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Special Section 3
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Special Section 4
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Special Section 5
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Special Section 6
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Special Section 7
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Special Section 8
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Special Section 9
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Special Section 10
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Special Section 11
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Special Section 12
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Special Section 13
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Special Section 14
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 46
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 47
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 48
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 49
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 50
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 51
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 52
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 53
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 54
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 55
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Commercial Integrator June 2022 - 80
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Cover3
Commercial Integrator June 2022 - Cover4