The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 20




armer weather signals the
return of green lawns, blooming
gardens and IBAO's Young
Brokers Conference. Our 15th
Annual YBC Conference takes place
June 5-7 in Niagara Falls at the Hilton
Hotel and Fallsview Casino. This year
we're bringing back our Tradeshow &
Hospitality Night and Executive Panels,
and we're introducing a new competition
format-smaller teams in Personal &
Commercial Lines streams will pitch a
panel of judges for the chance to win up
to $5,000 in cash prizes.
"This is an important event for brokers'
professional development," said YBC
President Geoff Keyes. "The educational
component is beyond keynotes and
workshops-young brokers learn from
fellow colleagues who are in the trenches
right alongside them. You share stories
and compare issues and ultimately find
common solutions that can be brought
back to Principal Brokers and brokerage
"Young brokers have the opportunity
to meet company reps they may not
normally have face-to-face time with.
It's a chance to voice opinions on market

APRIL 2019

trends and better understand insurer
and partner perspectives. This year
we're hosting two Executive Panels:
Surviving the Hard Market as a Young
Broker and Driving Innovation in a
Traditional Industry. Brokers will have
the opportunity to have their questions
answered and voice their concerns-a
unique opportunity this conference
Every year, Geoff gets something
different out of attending YBC. "You
get out of it what you put in. I always
try to meet as many young brokers as I
can, especially the newer ones. Hearing
their stories and learning about their
brokerages and processes is always
enlightening. We have industry
vets with over 10 years'
experience and brokers only a
few weeks into their careers
who attend. Everyone's
welcome and everyone
will get something
different out of
this conference. I
can't wait to see
what this year's
YBCers come
up with."




The Ontario Broker - April 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Ontario Broker - April 2019

In This Issue
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - Cover1
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - Cover2
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 3
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - In This Issue
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 5
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 6
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 7
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 8
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 9
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 10
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 11
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 12
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 13
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 14
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 15
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 16
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 17
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 18
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 19
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 20
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 21
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 22
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 23
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 24
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 25
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 26
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 27
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 28
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 29
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 30
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 31
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 32
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 33
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 34
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 35
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 36
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 37
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 38
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 39
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 40
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 41
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 42
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 43
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 44
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 45
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 46
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 47
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 48
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 49
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 50
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - 51
The Ontario Broker - April 2019 - Cover4