Workforce Performance Solutions - May 2006 - (Page 38)

WP0506_A.qxd 4/27/06 1:51 PM Page 38 Dashboard Integration of Learning and Performance Management Processes Josh Bersin Can learning and performance management processes be integrated? In short, the answer is yes, but... Although some companies have succeeded in integrat- In most organizations, HR enforces the performance management function, and first- and second-line man- ing learning and performance management, their num- agers drive it. Typically, the process is heavily focused on bers are relatively small, and their investments in aligning employee performance and accomplishments dollars, time and human resources are usually large. with business objectives. In some large organizations, However, with newly available technology support and a such as Microsoft, every single employee signs up for a strong business imperative, integration of these two May 2006 quarterly set of deliverables. Annual compensation, rat- complementary processes can be accomplished with ings, rankings and promotions are based on achieve- significant business payoff. ment of these objectives. The performance management process is generally taken seriously it impacts an indi- Many Issues Impede Integration WORKFORCE vidual's compensation, career direction and retention. But before we discuss how and when integration can Performance management processes are sometimes best be accomplished, it's important to understand why specific to business units, and sometimes processes are learning and performance integration often fails. From conducted across the enterprise. Interestingly, Bersin & performance SOLUTIONS these challenges, we can learn the pitfalls and impedi- Associates research shows that less than one-third of ments that often thwart best-intentioned projects. organizations have a consistent enterprise-wide per- formance management process. Although learning and performance management processes are vitally linked, they have significant differ- As affordable performance management systems become more widely available, many companies are ences. See Figure 1. 38

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Workforce Performance Solutions - May 2006

Editor's Letter
Table of Contents
Change Management
Human Performance
Strategic Alignment
Advertiser's Index
Editorial Resources
Full Potential

Workforce Performance Solutions - May 2006