OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 37

Sprint interval training

9 ways for better fat
loss results



at loss can be a daunting journey with lots of
ups and downs - especially if you don't
have the right fat loss tools for maximum
.....But fret no more. Here are nine practical
strategies to help you jumpstart fat loss and
build the physique of your dreams.
Train with a partner: Pairing up with a buddy with
similar goals can help some trainees find success. Training with a buddy or in a group can help one push
through a comfort zone, which is essential for success.
Pairing up means trainees can lift each other up when
they're having off-days - something that's common on
the fat loss path.
Don't drink calories: Omit sugary drinks when possible. Drinking calories, whether it's high sugar juice, alcohol or soda, will stunt fat loss. To stay well-hydrated drink
plenty of water, which will help detoxify. Teas, coffee and
homemade lemonade, sweetened with Stevia, will also do.
Move more: Cars, computers, video games and TVs
keep us glued to our seats. We are significantly less physically active than our ancestors. A sedentary lifestyle is a
major culprit in obesity.
You must move as much as possible. This doesn't
mean you should exercise every minute 16 hours a day,
but do whatever you can to keep moving.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator and try biking
to work whenever possible. Walk around when you're on
the phone. Get a treadmill desk for computer activities.
Eat breakfast: Skipping the morning meal will surely
hinder your progress. According to a study in the Journal
of the American Dietetic Association, people who ate
breakfast most days of the week were able to lose more
weight and keep it off more successfully than those who
skipped it.
Therefore, start the day right with a high protein

reason to
eat Brussels
Many of us are not fans
of Brussels sprouts,
but there are many
reasons why we should
incorporate them into
our diets along with
their cruciferous
cousins to fight cancer.

breakfast which can help you feel fuller for longer. Avoid
junk food disguised as healthy breakfast foods such as
sugar added cereals.
Interval training: Traditional cardio workouts have
their benefits, but to get rid of the bulge in less time, do
high intensity interval training (HIIT). This is a surefire
way to shed fat faster by raising resting metabolism.
Beginners should start out slowly.
Exercise in the morning: A study published in the
British Journal of Nutrition showed that morning exercise
improves success at fat loss.
Starting your day with a workout will not only help
you lose weight for good, but it will also free up the rest
of your day, boosting productivity, and giving you the
confidence and mental power to tackle the rest of the day
with ease.
Get more sleep: According to a study published in
the American Journal of Health Promotion, people who
sleep well are less likely to overeat during the day, and
they are also more productive and fresh for the whole day
than those who are sleep deprived.
Aim for seven to nine hours of high quality, uninterrupted sleep. Set the right sleeping environment by getting rid of the TV iPad or any other stimulus that can hin,
der sleep two hours prior to bedtime. Don't eat right
before bedtime.
Eat low carb: A low carb diet will help control your
blood sugar level which in turn will keep hunger pangs
at bay.
Avoid starch and sugars and only eat foods ranking
below 70 on the glycemic index, which means increasing
intake of vegetables. Eat fruits in moderation. You don't
need to count calories nor starve yourself.
Take photos and track progress: Taking before and
after photos during your fat loss journey is one of the best
ways to help you stay motivated. When you use pictures
to keep tabs on your progress, you will have a clear idea
on where you're going.
"Before" photos can be the exact wake-up call you
need. Take clear photos, at least one a month and under
the same circumstances, of your front, side and back
views. Z

Broccoli, cabbage, kale,
watercress, mustard
greens, cabbage, bok
choy and Brussels
sprouts are all
members of the cancer
preventative Brassica
family. Studies show
these vegetables to be
especially helpful in
preventing cancers of
the bladder, lung,
gastrointestinal tract,
prostate and breast.
Glucosinolates are the
compounds that make
these vegetables so
special. When the
superfood is chewed,
these substances are
broken down by
enzymes called
myrosinases to form
new compounds called
isothiocyanates which
detoxify cancercausing substances
in the body.
Brussels sprouts also
aid in the detoxification of HCAs (heterocyclic amines) -
compounds formed
when red meat is
cooked - especially
fried or burned - that
increase the risk of
colon cancer.
Brussels sprouts
contain the most
folate of all the
cruciferous vegetables
and are therefore
beneficial for pregnant

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Sprinting isn't just running really
fast. It's intense movement at
the highest speed you can safely
muster. Sprinting can be running, on a bike or even in water
- running in a pool. Some
people push a weight sled
loaded with hundreds of
pounds as their sprinting.
They aren't moving very fast,
but they're trying to - and that's
the key. Are you moving at the
fastest, safest possible speed,
given your physical limitations
and the demands of the
environment (weights attached
to you, grade of the hill you're
ascending, your bum knee,
etc.)? If yes - even if that
manifests as an exhausting
uphill walk - then you're


OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014

OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - Cover1
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - Cover2
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 3
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 4
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 5
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - Contents
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 7
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 8
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 9
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 10
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 11
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 12
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 13
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 14
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 15
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 16
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 17
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 18
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 19
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 20
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 21
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 22
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 23
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 24
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 25
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 26
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 27
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OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 82
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - Cover3
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - Cover4