OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 39

Adding protein prior to your training
session primes the pump.

The nutrients you ingest around your workouts are extremely
critical to developing and refining your physique. If you skip
pre-workout protein, you skip a chance to support intraworkout anabolism (muscle growth) and reduce post-workout catabolism (muscle breakdown).

The majority of post-workout protein is simply
wasted and converted into fiber and becomes bowel
waste. This is obviously not the desire of most athletes.
The best time to absorb protein is prior to the workout. This allows for the best and complete digestion.

How much
protein should
a very active
individual eat?


describe themselves as
"very active." They golf,
garden, take long walks or residential bike rides, use machine weights
at the gym and take the grandkids
on lots of excursions.
However, there's a new breed of
"very active" out there: People over
age 65 who are surfing, bodybuilding, competing in powerlifting
events, rock climbing, trail running
for miles - get the picture? What
about their protein needs?
"Those with an overly active
lifestyle in their older age should
consume more protein than those
living a mildly active lifestyle," says
Dr. John Salerno, MD, board certified family physician in private

Most isolated protein drinks will completely digest in less
than one hour.
Protein is converted into amino acids which are stored
and easily available to help with post-workout recovery. A
good rule of thumb is to maximize protein intake two
hours following a workout and to maximize carbohydrate
intake while your body is still sweating after training.
Another maximum benefit of the high carb postworkout meal is the natural stimulation to increase
insulin. This triggers a cascade of elevated growth and
sex hormone production, resulting in a massive amount
of positive changes to promote faster recovery.
Carbohydrate intake also helps restore the brain of
depleted glucose. This enables the maximum ability of
the nervous system to aid and boost the recovery process.
Supplements are very helpful, but taking them at the
right times is critical to achieving their maximum benefits. Solid research would require serum blood studies
taken in sequential intervals and also combining paralleled expensive hormone levels.
Your body plays a simple role in the correct answer as
to what works best for you. Try starting with a pre-workout meal that's higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates with minimal fat. Use post-workout meals that are
very high in carbohydrates and yet have some slight
amounts of protein.
After a few weeks of training, switch the ratios around
and see how your workouts, sleep and your general feeling throughout the day is. Keep a simple diary and use a
0-10 scale to measure your overall feelings for the previous factors. Z

practice in NYC.
He recommends 1.6 g protein
per kg body weight. "By consuming
more protein and less carbs, those
who are continuously active are
keeping their weight and insulin
down, which consequently keeps
inflammation down and will help
people stay active."
Protein is not protein is
not protein
Protein intake is just half the
equation. What about where the protein comes from? "It's also important
to choose the right protein to fuel
activity," says Dr. Salerno. "This
means that all meat should be grass
fed, organic and antibiotic free.
Turkey and chicken should also be
free-range and antibiotic free, as
well. What's most important is the
kind of protein taken in. Make sure
it's hormone free, low sugar and
additive free."
You're much better off eating an
omelet of whole, organic, free-range
eggs, rather than some egg "substitute" that comes in a carton and
contains chemical additives.

If you want beef, avoid that
which comes prepared as a dinner
in attractive packaging that you just
pop in the microwave: again, additives, which may include trans fats.
And this kind of protein is not from
grass fed sources.
It's really easy to eat the right
kind of protein. When you're about
to place a protein source in your
shopping cart, ask yourself, "Is this
what my ancestors 50,000 years ago
Did ancient peoples eat meat
from a plastic container, can and
drive-thru? Did their protein come
from an animal that fed on genetically modified, pesticide treated
corn? Did it come from an animal
that was pumped with antibiotics to
prevent it from getting sick from
eating that corn and being physically confined instead of allowed to
roam free?
Healthy sources of protein also
include wild game (elk, bison, buffalo, venison), wild caught fish and
organic nuts.
- Monnica Wesley

Bee pollen,
magical food
Bee pollen is one of
the superfoods known
for its great source of
concentrated nutrition
and one of the most
complete foods found
in nature.
Bee pollen contains a
treasure trove of B
vitamins. It has all the
B vitamins (except for
B12), as well as C, E and
D. It's also 25 percent
protein, making it one
of the best sources of
bio-available protein.
Because pollen is the
reproductive material
of the plant world, it
goes without saying
that bee pollen is a
powerful aphrodisiac
and fertility booster.
It can also help the
prostate because of its
high content of
seminal substances.
If you're looking for a
quick recovery from a
heavy workout, look
no further than bee
pollen. It helps
increase muscle
growth while
improving athletic

3 9 W W W. O N F I T N E S S M A G . C O M | V O L 1 4 N O 6 | 2 0 1 4

Pre-workout protein, specifically the branched chain amino
acids, will help fuel your muscles during training. Branched
chain amino acids don't need to be processed by your liver;
after being absorbed they head directly to your bloodstream
to be picked up by your muscles.


OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014

OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - Cover1
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - Cover2
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 3
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 4
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 5
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - Contents
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 7
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 8
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 9
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 10
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 11
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 12
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 13
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 14
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 15
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 16
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 17
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 18
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 19
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 20
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 21
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 22
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 23
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 24
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 25
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 26
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 27
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 28
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 29
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 30
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 31
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 32
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 33
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 34
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 35
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 36
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 37
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 38
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 39
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 40
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 41
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OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 78
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 79
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 80
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 81
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - 82
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - Cover3
OnFitness Magazine - May/June 2014 - Cover4