London Inc. November 2020 - 34





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Lake, Jongsma and Logan with Caring Support service director James Smith (at table)
and vice-president of marketing Paul Yuhasz

suitably trained workers, they will be
able to cover for individuals who are
being overworked during the ongoing
" We see this as a part of the puzzle,
something that can help in the current
climate and be part of the solution, "
says Jongsma, a co-founder of Londonbased payment processing and merchant services firm Paystone, where
he was executive vice-president until
last year.
Each of the 10 partners has an equity
interest in what for all of them began as
a side project and is verging on something much more.
" There's a lot more coming, the wow
factor, " Jongsma says, choosing not to
divulge too much about what the group
has in mind. For now, the platform
will charge employers to be listed and
accept detailed registrations from
qualified workers. The key to Caring
Support is the granular detail it collects
about each caregiver, so matches
with employers have a high chance of
The group is in the process of
connecting with schools like Western
and Fanshawe to get students in various healthcare programs to sign up
before they even graduate. Their hope
is that one day soon, healthcare students will sign up with Caring Support

34 | | NOVEMBER 2020

as a matter of course, the same way so
many sign up at LinkedIn or Indeed.
" It's all about making connections, "
says Paul Yuhasz, vice-president of
marketing. " We're building a community that caregivers can access
for free to build their profiles. It gives
them access to a growing portfolio of
resources and job opportunities. "
The platform will develop into more
than a jobs board. It will be a site where
caregivers go to connect with others in
their field, to share stories and experiences. Starting in London, it could take
a while to reach critical mass. The plan,
however, does not lack ambition.
" We're starting locally before expanding across Ontario, " says vice-president
of product and research, Jen Logan.
" We want to go national, but that takes
a lot of research, something that hasn't
been done well before. Each province
has different standards and procedures.
As we grow beyond Ontario, we will
have to tailor things to each province.
That's why we're taking our time and
doing it right. "
Although their work has become
more meaningful to them during the
pandemic, as the healthcare system
has been stretched and reshaped in
many places, they had the idea before
anyone had heard of Covid-19.
" We bought the website about 10

London Inc. November 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of London Inc. November 2020

London Inc. November 2020 - 1
London Inc. November 2020 - 2
London Inc. November 2020 - 3
London Inc. November 2020 - 4
London Inc. November 2020 - 5
London Inc. November 2020 - 6
London Inc. November 2020 - 7
London Inc. November 2020 - TOC
London Inc. November 2020 - 9
London Inc. November 2020 - 10
London Inc. November 2020 - 11
London Inc. November 2020 - 12
London Inc. November 2020 - 13
London Inc. November 2020 - 14
London Inc. November 2020 - 15
London Inc. November 2020 - 16
London Inc. November 2020 - 17
London Inc. November 2020 - 18
London Inc. November 2020 - 19
London Inc. November 2020 - 20
London Inc. November 2020 - 21
London Inc. November 2020 - 22
London Inc. November 2020 - 23
London Inc. November 2020 - 24
London Inc. November 2020 - 25
London Inc. November 2020 - 26
London Inc. November 2020 - 27
London Inc. November 2020 - 28
London Inc. November 2020 - 29
London Inc. November 2020 - 30
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