TBL Late Spring 2021 - 16


Luis Caraballo Ortiz:
PBL Helps Puerto Rico Member Learn
English as a Second Language

Contributed by: Maddy Remington


uis Caraballo Ortiz is a fouryear FBLA/PBL member
from Puerto Rico, who
currently serves as the
Puerto Rico PBL State President and
as a member of the National PBL
Competitive Event Committee. He is
a first-year student at The University
of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus
also known as Recinto Universitario
de Mayagüez, where he is studying
Caraballo Ortiz shared that PBL's
networking opportunities motivated
him to start learning English because
of his career path and his desire to
study and pursue internships outside
of Puerto Rico.
" Puerto Rico's first language is
Spanish, but I wanted to learn English
because English is now the global
language of business. "
After serving as State President
for FBLA Puerto Rico his senior year,
he found himself aspiring for more. He
decided to join a national committee
in PBL to enhance his understanding
of English and to connect with people
in Puerto Rico and around the world.
" I knew I was ready to contribute
on the national level by joining the
Competitive Events Committee.
Being a committee member allows
me to improve my English because
sometimes I struggle with verbs and
pronouns, but I'm working on it, "
Caraballo Ortiz said.
He shared that working on the
Eastern Region Council in FBLA and
now working on the Competitive
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Events Committee in PBL has helped
him to adapt to the completely
virtual membership experience.
" I've learned how to encourage
members to participate. It's hard
because everything is online and
it's more difficult to connect. It's not
impossible, but it's more difficult. "
Caraballo Ortiz said. He is driven and
dedicated to making PBL the best
it can be. PBL Puerto Rico is fairly
new and Caraballo Ortiz has been
instrumental in propelling his state
chapter forward during the pandemic,
a time when many are falling behind
in the virtual environment.
However, Caraballo Ortiz
doesn't stop at PBL when it comes

to giving his all. He is ambitious
in the organization and his career
plans. He outlined his plans for the
future and where he sees himself in


TBL Late Spring 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of TBL Late Spring 2021

TBL Late Spring 2021 - 1
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 2
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 3
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 4
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 5
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 6
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 7
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 8
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 9
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 10
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 11
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 12
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 13
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 14
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 15
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 16
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 17
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 18
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 19
TBL Late Spring 2021 - 20