IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 23

How do you see IIDA
growing and changing
in the next 5­10 years?

VIVECA BISSONETTE: What has happened over the past several years is that ability
to run the organization and to meet the member's immediate needs now is this
seamless thing that just occurs. Obviously it's not just seamless, just seamless to us
on the outside. But for you, you're making that all happen, but it's allowed the board
of directors, it's allowed the organization to really become a strategic entity and not
worry about the daily practices of the organization but to really think in the future
what is it that we really should become and evolve into, what is the next phase and
it's allowed us-the foundation that you created, Carol-has allowed us to be able
to really think strategically. Because we don't know the answer. Our industry is
changing so quickly, the world is changing so quickly. We don't know the answer
but we're in a position where we can take the time to think about what is the best
for the future.
JIM WILLIAMSON: I was going to add I think one of the key differences in organizations

and companies now is to be sort of future proof, and to be able to be nimble enough
to make changes because you can't predict change. All you can do is set yourself
up to respond to change. I think IIDA has done a great job doing that both within
its leadership, its board, and its staff.

LEWIS GOETZ: I like the fact that we really put the "i" in Interior Design and international. It's fantastic. We talked about it when Carol was President, when I was
President, but we really didn't have the financial stability to be able to do some
of the things we thought about. And I don't think the timing was quite right as
it is today. Even though we had a Mexico group and a Japanese chapter, now we're
able to expand throughout the world. I think it's just amazing.
VIVECA BISSONETTE: I truly feel that we really have done an incredible job with global
outreach and the fruits of our labor have shown that over the last couple of years
with the new Milan chapter, and our presence in Paris, and in the Middle East.
Those are incredible strides in the last few years.
JIM WILLIAMSON: I don't think many members realize that in past year we actually

revised the membership requirements for international members to actually
make the professional membership more accessible for them.

CHERYL DURST: Exactly. In recognition of their accomplishments in their own countries
and their educational requirements don't always mirror ours. We needed to find
a way to acknowledge that. It was a huge step forward.

IIDA continues its strong legacy of leadership with the inauguration of incoming
President Julio Braga, IIDA, LEED AP, who takes over from Felice Silverman, FIIDA.
As she finished up her year as the most recent president of IIDA, Felice shared her
thoughts on where IIDA is going. It's a sentiment all 13,000 members can embrace.

"As IIDA heads into the next twenty years, we'll
expand our outreach beyond the immediate design
community. We'll further engage clients and even
the consumer public-continuing to promote the
value of interior design, and leading our profession
as the design industry evolves."




Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014

IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - Cover1
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - Cover2
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 1
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 2
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - Contents
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 4
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 5
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 6
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 7
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 8
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 9
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 10
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 11
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 12
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 13
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 14
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 15
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 16
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 16A
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 16B
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 17
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IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 19
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IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 21
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IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - 23
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IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - Cover3
IIDA Perspective - Spring/Summer 2014 - Cover4