GameCenter - Issue 66 - 30

Say Yes
to the Mess
One of the biggest new additions to
Doom Eternal is a feature the team calls
"destructible demons." Rather than
simply attacking bad guys until they
run out of hit points and fall over (or
worse), you'll now be able to witness
the effects of your bombardment in
real time as enemies take damage.
Particularly tough enemies will wear
down over the course of the fight,
turning them from run-of-the-mill scary
to truly terrifying, zombie-like foes. In
some cases, you may be able to use this
destruction to disable enemy attacks,
say, by taking off a mounted cannon.
Of course, this is a family-friendly
magazine, so we can't show you any
of the more gruesome examples id
has cooked up, and we'll refrain from
talking about them in detail just in
case you're having lunch while reading.
Suffice it to say, this is one feature that
will no doubt help the game earn its M
rating from the ESRB.

it's also helpful for grabbing onto an enemy
to swiftly close the distance for a close-range
follow-up attack. Other weapons, like the combat shotgun, have seen updates to the mods
you can unlock, adding never-before-seen
firing modes or special attacks.
Standing against your expanded arsenal are
some new foes designed to be even deadlier.
All told, Doom Eternal will have twice as many
enemy types as its predecessor, but two additions in particular have caught our eye so
far. The Marauder is a hulking, bipedal demon
with massive horns that seems to have taken
a few style and combat tips from the Slayer.
He sports a massive pauldron that resembles
a chunk of the Slayer's Praetor Suit, and one
of the two weapons he wields bears a striking
resemblance to your own Super Shotgun. (The
other is a massive axe made of energy.) Next
up is the Doomhunter. Judging by the name
and his half-organic, half-robotic appearance,
this demon was likely built for the express purpose of giving the Slayer a run for his money.
Mounted to a heavily-armed hoverboard, the
Doomhunter wields a massive flamethrower
with a skull-shaped barrel in its one remaining arm. The other has been transformed into
a dual-bladed chainsaw. Seems like a pretty
friendly dude, right?

Doom Eternal will push beyond the familiar
locales of Mars, and that other very hot,
not-so-nice place.


Just as the roster of enemies you'll fight is
bigger than ever, so are the environments.
As we've touched on in previous Gamecenter
coverage, Doom Eternal will push beyond the
familiar locales of Mars, and that other very
hot, not-so-nice place. Like Doom II, part of
the game will take place on an Earth that's
fending off a demonic invasion, but that's just
the start. As hinted by the title, this mission
will send the Doom Slayer to id's version of
Heaven. It turns out someone up there had big
plans for the apocalypse, and they're none too
happy that the Slayer is trying to avert them.
So far, we've seen very little of these heavenly
levels beyond some environments and one
particularly menacing-looking angelic creature


GameCenter - Issue 66

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of GameCenter - Issue 66

GameCenter - Issue 66 - 1
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 2
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 3
GameCenter - Issue 66 - Contents
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 5
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 6
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 7
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 8
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 9
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 10
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 11
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 12
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 13
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 14
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 15
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 16
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 17
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 18
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 19
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 20
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 21
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 22
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 23
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 24
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 25
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 26
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 27
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 28
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 29
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 30
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 31
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 32
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 33
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 34
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 35
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 36
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 37
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 38
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 39
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 40
GameCenter - Issue 66 - 41
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GameCenter - Issue 66 - 52