Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 15


Facebook Marketing: Turning ‘Likes’ Into Loyalty
For many businesses, having a branded Facebook page has become a near-essential part of their marketing arsenal. In the year since Facebook began encouraging businesses to deploy the thumbs-up button across the web, brands have been racing to rack up “likes.” Research has shown that people who voluntarily click the “like” button are apt to recommend the brand to friends and may also be more willing to purchase the brand. But at the same time, the simplicity of the “like” button means that there may be no actual engagement beyond the fleeting moment of the click. To be successful in this post-“like” phase of Facebook marketing, companies will need to excite their fanbase with compelling posts, interactions that spur a sense of community and rewards for their ongoing support.

Average Number of “Likes” by Fans per Facebook Page Among Fortune Global 100 Companies, by Region, 2010 & 2011
US 53,941 102,017 Europe 46,400 46,539 Asia-Pacific 23,971 121,257 Total 40,884 87,979 2010 2011

Note: or other similar regional/local social network Source: Burson-Marsteller, “The Global Social Media Check-up 2011,” Feb. 15, 2011

Fortune Global 100 Companies That Use Select Social Media, by Region, 2010 & 2011 (% of respondents)

US 2010 Twitter accounts Facebook fan pages YouTube accounts Blogs 2011 Twitter accounts Facebook fan pages YouTube accounts Blogs 72% 72% 56% 44% 72% 69% 59% 34%

Europe 71% 52% 52% 25% 83% 57% 60% 28%

Asia-Pacific 40% 40% 35% 50% 67% 50% 44% 44%

Total 65% 54% 50% 33% 77% 61% 57% 36%

Note: n=100; or other similar regional/local social media platforms Source: Burson-Marsteller, “The Global Social Media Check-up 2011,” Feb. 15, 2011

August 2011 | electronicRETAILER



Electronic Retailer - August 2011

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Electronic Retailer - August 2011

Calendar of Events
Your Association, Your Bottom Line
Industry Reports
FTC Forum
eMarketer Research Facebook Marketing:
IMS Retail Rankings The Top 25 Shows and Spots
Jordan Whitney’s Top Categories
Lockard & Wechsler’s Clearance & Price Index
Ask the Expert
Cover Story TVGoods Buys AsSeenOnTV.com
Come Face2Face at D2C
The Wired World of U.S. Hispanics
Real Truth in Advertising
Marketing for TV is Just the Beginning
Member Spotlight
Advertiser Spotlight
Bulletin Board
Advertiser Index
Rick Petry
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Cover1
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - cover2
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 3
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 4
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 5
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 6
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Calendar of Events
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Your Association, Your Bottom Line
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 9
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Industry Reports
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 11
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 12
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 13
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - FTC Forum
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - eMarketer Research Facebook Marketing:
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 16
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 17
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - IMS Retail Rankings The Top 25 Shows and Spots
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 19
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Jordan Whitney’s Top Categories
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 21
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Lockard & Wechsler’s Clearance & Price Index
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 23
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 24
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Ask the Expert
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Cover Story TVGoods Buys AsSeenOnTV.com
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 27
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 28
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 29
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 30
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Come Face2Face at D2C
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 32
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 33
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - The Wired World of U.S. Hispanics
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 35
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 36
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 37
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Real Truth in Advertising
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 39
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Marketing for TV is Just the Beginning
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 41
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 42
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 43
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Teleservices
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Legal
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 46
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 47
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Creative
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 49
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 50
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Member Spotlight
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 52
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Advertiser Spotlight
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 54
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Advertiser Index
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Classifieds
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - 57
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Rick Petry
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - cover3
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - cover4
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Outsert01
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Outsert02
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Outsert03
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Outsert04
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Outsert05
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Outsert06
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Outsert07
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Outsert08
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Outsert09
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Outsert10
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Outsert11
Electronic Retailer - August 2011 - Outsert12