Echo Spring 2021 - 53

Aaron Wolfe ('96) is working as
a licensed electrician in Ephrata,
Pennsylvania, and volunteers at his
home church in Lebanon. He lives in
Manheim, teaches at a home Bible
study and leads a men's sexual purity
Jeremy Chambers ('03) and his wife
Monica published " Kingdom Contours "
with Missional Challenge Publishers as
a discipleship textbook on " how to plant
a Kingdom movement. "
Nathaniel ('05) and Kimberly
(Sutberry '05) Bickford and their
three children, Lydia, 8, Josiah, 6, and
Miriam, 2, have moved to Whitefield,
New Hampshire, where Nathaniel is
now serving as pastor of the Whitefield
Christian Church. Kimberly has recently
published a second edition of her
historical fiction book, " The Night of the
Pussy Willows, " which is available for
purchase on Amazon. She is working
on a sequel.
Patrick " PJ " Korn (WBC '05/CBS
'08) finished a Ph.D. in Educational
Leadership at Columbia International
University and continues to serve as
the principal at Mount Airy Christian
Academy in Mount Airy, Maryland.
Sheryl Mills ('92 & '10), M.A., focuses
on faith-based healing of clients' soul
wounds in her private practice in South
Florida. She has published a new book
titled " Dysfunctional Families of the
Bible and Their Redeeming Qualities:
How Do They Impact Us? " The book
explores Old Testament characters
who exhibited godliness as well as
unhealthy behavioral patterns. The
book is available through various online
retailers including Amazon.
Rebecca Krupp ('17) moved to the
highlands of Papua New Guinea in fall
2020. Her TESOL degree from LBC |
Capital has helped her as she teaches
sixth- through 12th-grade missionary
kids whose parents are growing the
Church in the South Pacific or serving
as doctors at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital.
Rodrigo Leitao ('17) began a post as
Executive Director in June 2020 at the
invitation of the Apecom Council, the
Presbyterian Agency for Evangelization
and Communication, with Agência
Presbiteriana de Evangelização e
Comunicação in Brazil-the agency
responsible for the evangelism and
communication of the Presbyterian
denomination in Brazil. He shares
" with great joy " that his training at
LBC | Capital has been successful
in his professional and ministerial
Eric Redmond (WBC '91/LBC |
Capital '19) edited " Say It! Celebrating
Expository Preaching in the African
American Tradition " (Moody). A manual
for both biblical interpretation and
homiletics, the volume shows the
power of wedding Bible exposition
to the African-American preaching
tradition. Contributors like Charlie
Dates, Eric Mason and Romell Williams
walk readers through exposition in
each of the major genres of the Old
and New Testaments. " Say It! " won a
" The Gospel Coalition 2020 Best Books "
Honorable Mention.
Let Us Know How
You Are Doing!
We have missed seeing our
alumni on campus this past
year at events, and we want
to hear where the Lord is
leading you on your journey!
Submit any life updates such
as marriage, births, new jobs
or degrees you've earned at
Updates will be featured in the
next edition of The ECHO.
Kimberly Bickford
Sheryl Mills
Rebecca Krupp
Rodrigo Leitao
Eric Redmond

Echo Spring 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Echo Spring 2021

Echo Spring 2021 - 1
Echo Spring 2021 - 2
Echo Spring 2021 - 3
Echo Spring 2021 - 4
Echo Spring 2021 - 5
Echo Spring 2021 - 6
Echo Spring 2021 - 7
Echo Spring 2021 - 8
Echo Spring 2021 - 9
Echo Spring 2021 - 10
Echo Spring 2021 - 11
Echo Spring 2021 - 12
Echo Spring 2021 - 13
Echo Spring 2021 - 14
Echo Spring 2021 - 15
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Echo Spring 2021 - 17
Echo Spring 2021 - 18
Echo Spring 2021 - 19
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