Jax Labs eBook - 6


they are absolutely pertinent to how
we think about human disease. The
first is that as humans, we are highly,
highly variable at the genetic level, the
environmental level in terms of luck
(events that happen during our life)
and in terms of aging. And all of that
variability can be and is modeled in the
mouse. Mice are really great for what
I think is going to be the next tranche
of biology, which is understanding
Also, almost all the neurodegeneration that affects most people is what
we call sporadic, which means we
don't really know why it arises. And I
think we can take many lessons from
the cancer field, and there are new
mouse models. In fact, I only noticed a
paper today in Cell where we can start
to model using somatic mutations, and
new genome engineering techniques,
what happens to give rise to sporadic
disease. So, mice remain the ultimate
biological mammal for study but we
have to ask the right questions.
6 | GENengnews.com

CAT LUTZ: To expand upon what
Lizzie just said, I also think as we
as a community use these mouse
models and depend on them so highly
for our research, I do think to your
original question about availability,
that it is important that these mice are
available to the scientific community,
and in such a way that promotes rigor
and reproducibility in the scientific
It can be difficult sometimes,
especially studying neurobiology,
behavior, and other aspects
that go along with being in the
neurosciences, that mouse models,
when they are made, can sometimes
not be reproducible as the result of
changes in environment from lab
to lab, as well as other issues. So,
having a constant source of these
animal models that we can go back
to, to make sure that everybody is
working with the exact same model
as much as possible, adds to that
rigor and reproducibility.

Cat Lutz, PhD
Senior Director, Mouse Repository
& In Vivo Pharmacology
The Jackson Laboratory

Cat Lutz is the Senior Director of the Mouse
Repository and the Rare and Orphan Disease
Center at The Jackson Laboratory (JAX). The
program includes a growing
collection of more than 10,000
unique strains, including
over 1,700 live colonies for
distribution to the scientific
community. Efforts to improve
mouse resources for rare
diseases include the generation of precise
patient mutations and the development of
strains for preclinical testing of therapeutics.
Dr. Lutz also oversees the In Vivo Pharmacology
program which provide services in pre-clinical
drug delivery and efficacy testing for biotech,
pharmaceutical, and industry partners. The
program specializes in multiple routes of drug
delivery and in life and postmortem readouts,
especially in the areas of physiology and
histological readouts.


Jax Labs eBook

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Jax Labs eBook

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Jax Labs eBook - Contents
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