Jax Labs eBook - 7


LAURENT BOGDANIK: The underlying,
maybe broader question can also be:
"Why the mouse". After all there are many
preclinical models, from cell cultures to
non-human primates, including worms,
flies or rats to name a few. We have
to take into consideration that, like all
activities, research and drug development
are controlled by very simple limitations:
the time it will take, the ease of access of
resources, and the feasibility; the number
of data points gained per biological
replicate, and, of course, the overall cost.
These factors can make the difference
between research topics, or diseases,
being worked on, or being neglected. And
if you're looking for a complex organism,
as close as possible from humans, the
time, costs, and feasibility constraints,
as well as regulatory aspects, the mouse
is still the best preclinical model at the
intersection of all these requirements.
LEMIEUX: What are the future trends in
preclinical neurobiology research that you
7 | GENengnews.com

LUTZ: We have done a good job of
modeling human disease in mice, using
genetic mutations and performing due
diligence, if you will, on the Mendelian
traits-those that involve single-gene
mutations or single variations. I do think
the trend is very exciting toward trying to
understand complex diseases and how we
model complex diseases using the mouse
I think it is going to be a factor of really
taking advantage of some of the newer
genetic engineering techniques that allow
us to introduce multiple mutations but
also our ability to create mouse models
on not just one inbred strain, but study
them on somewhat diverse genetic
backgrounds. Inbred strains are really
great for a lot of reasons, but sometimes
they don't give us the genetic variability
with respect to what we see in people.
So, studying the disease in one genetic
background can be akin to studying a
disease in one person.
I am really looking forward to seeing
what the future of using diversity and

Laurent Bogdanik, PhD
Associate Director,
Neurobiology In Vivo Pharmacology
The Jackson Laboratory

Dr. Laurent Bogdanik,
a physiologist and
neuroscientist by
training, with expertise
in neurobiology and
genetics. A Sr. Study
Director for In Vivo
Pharmacology Services, he is the
lead of the Neurobiology group which
has been assisting customers in
the design and execution of dozens
of pre- and co-clinical studies. He
also oversees proof-of-concept
experiments in collaboration with
private companies, patient foundations
and academic researchers in the
areas of muscular dystrophy, ALS and
Spinal Muscular Atrophy.


Jax Labs eBook

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Jax Labs eBook

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